Physical science 5-12 Monday Element tiles Periodic table info
Element tiles All element tiles are due by end of day for full credit I will select the tiles I will put up tonight: Criteria- Try to put up 1 from each student Tile info must be complete Tile must be easily read at a distance
Today’s Homework Pg read (uses, facts) do quick lab on page Pg Pg , pg
Quick questions How many electrons and neutrons exist in a non-charged isotope of iodine (that has a atomic mass of 131)? How are all the elements in a group related?
Final quick question What is the difference between an isotope and a ion?
This week Monday tile and periodic chart info (HW) Tuesday
Electron cloud Location at any specific time is impossible to identify. Paths are not exact and unchanging
Electron Orbitals Not all paths electrons use orbiting the nucleus require the same amount of energy. Electrons will fill up the paths that require the least amount of energy first
What is a valence electron?
Valence electrons Valance electrons are those electrons that occupy the outermost orbital in an atom They determine how reactive the atom is by interacting with other atoms
In terms of the periodic table, what is a group and a period?
Groups and periods A group is a vertical column of the table A period is the horizontal row of a period
What element is in the 14 th group, 3 rd period of the periodic table?
Answer Silicon
What does the atomic number represent?
Atomic Number The atomic number indicates how many protons there are in an element Each element has a different number of protons
If the element is electrically neutral, how many electrons will it have?
Answer The number of electrons will equal the atomic number
What does the other number (besides atomic number) in the each element block represent ?
The answer The average atomic mass The average mass (in atomic units) of any atom of a specific element Found by adding up the number of protons and neutrons in an atom Electrons’ mass are insignificant The number of neutrons can vary in atoms of a specific element
What is the value of an atomic unit?
Atomic unit Is equal to the mass of one proton or neutron
What is an isotope?
Isotope Variations in the number of neutrons in atoms of a specific element Ex: Most hydrogen atoms have no neutrons. But a rare form of hydrogen atoms will have a neutron
How do you find the number of neutron in the most common isotope of an element?
Answer Find the difference between the atomic mass (rounded to the nearest whole number) and the atomic number
What is an ion?
Ions Atoms that gained extra electrons or lost electrons This creates a charged atom A charged atoms seeks to become neutral by binding with other oppositely charged atoms (reactivity)
Questions on Project?
This information must be written large and bold on front of tile The element symbol (3 inches) The element name (1 inch) Atomic number and mass (2-3 inch) One interesting piece of info from 2 nd list
This information is to be written on the back State of matter at room temp Density Melting and boiling point Hazards (human, environmental) Benefits (human environmental) Who discovered-named, why the name Discovery date Origin of symbol (name roots) Isotope (most common, number)
Which elements are non-metals?
Non-metals Except for hydrogen, found on right side of periodic table Diagonal starting with boron Also include Germanium and antimony Dull and brittle and poor conductors of electricity
How do metals differ from non-metals They are bright and shiny They are malleable Conduct electricity Make up the majority of elements
What are the metalloids?
metalloids They are semi conductors Materials that conduct electricity only under certain conditions B, Si, As, Ge, Sb,Te
General features The elements generally get more reactive as you progress down the group Technetium and promethium are man- made elements All elements with atomic numbers > 92 are man-made as well
Who are the alkali metals family?
Alkali metals All elements in the farthest left column of the periodic table, except Hydrogen Very reactive, because they have a single valence electron (want to get rid of it) The mother theresa’s of the elements
Who are the alkali earth metals?
Alkali earth metals All elements in the second-most left column Less reactive than alkali metals, but still reactive compared to most elements 2 valence electrons
Who are the Transition metals
Transition metals Located in the middle of the periodic table Groups 3 through 12 and all elements in the lowest 2 rows Much less reactive than other two families but can gain or lose electrons easily
Who are the halogens?
Halogens These are in the 2 nd column from the right in the chart These are the terrorists of the periodic table They need one more electron to be complete They look to steal electrons from other elements
Who are the Noble gases?
Noble Gases These are the elements in the far right column They are the hermits of the periodic table They interact with no other elements They have a complete set of electrons