Thomas Rößler, 27 th September 2004 O 2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG Achieving Cost-Effective And Successful Communication With Your Customers
Content The company O2 Germany Determining how to successfully communicate and distribute prepaid services to your target market. Leveraging your communications channels to maximise service usage and attract higher spending customers. Examining how to market additional services at the point at which customers access their account details and recharge their accounts Targeted products, services and promotions. Exploiting new segmentation and profiling data to ensure that you are communicating the right services to the right customers individually.
The Company O 2 Germany 1 Company Profile Mobile Network Customer Numbers O 2 Germany Sales & International Communications With O 2 Market Share Germany & ARPU Employees
Company Profile O 2 Germany (formerly VIAG Interkom) is a subsidiary of mmO 2 plc. Network operator owning its own mobile telephone network. Innovative postpaid and prepaid products, mobile data services. More than 6.3 million customers (more than 2.6 million prepaid customers) since June 2004 in Germany. Strengths of O 2 Germany: one of the leading innovators in mobile data services, exceptional service O 2 Genion Homezone, almost total mobile phone coverage via O 2 Germany’s mobile network and national roaming through the D1 network, established sales channels. Owns an UMTS licence. Goal of O 2 Germany: consistent growth, continuous increase in market share (revenue and customers)
Mobile Network GSM 1800 (E2) mobile communications network. Appr. 10,000 GSM and appr. 1,500 UMTS base stations in operation. Intelligent network which enables the Genion and Prepaid functionality. Virtually nation-wide coverage via O 2 Germany’s mobile network and the national roaming using the D1 network. National GPRS roaming in the D1 network, nation-wide data transfer approaching ISDN speed in Germany. Even faster data transfer with UMTS (Laptop card for GPRS/UMTS already offered). WLAN - very high transmission speed over 400 business relevant hotsports such as airports or hotels. © O 2 Germany, August 2004
Customer Numbers O 2 Germany & ARPU © O 2 Germany, status 30 June, 2004 * base: quarter-ARPU
Sales & International Communications With O 2 Appr. 470 o2 shops throughout Germany Own shops, Partner shops, Franchise, Shop-in-shops with Vobis Currently around 9,000 specialist dealers, wholesalers and other established sales channels. International roaming with more than 298 partners in 148 countries enabling convenient calling round the world. International GRPS roaming with more than 30 partners for very widespread data communication –GPRS roaming: 44 networks in 43 countries –GSM roaming: 296 networks in 142 countries © O 2 Germany, August 2004
Market Share Germany, based on Revenue for FY 2003/2004 Source: quarterly and annual reports (for Vodafone & O 2 : revenue FY 03/04; E-Plus & T-Mobile: cumulative revenue for April 03 to March 04) T-Mobile 40.8% Vodafone 37.0% E-Plus 11.9% O2O2 10.3% © O 2 Germany, status 31 March, 2004
Employees * since March 2001 without employees of BT Ignite © O 2 Germany, status 30 June, 2004
2 Project Framework The Marketing Engine To Serve All Your Prepaid Customers Architectural Overview The Project
Project Framework Project was initially a cost saving initiative, therefore the business case was crucial (CAPEX and OPEX consideration); See also optimized H/W configuration). Timeframe was limited for realisation (window of opportunity). Sicap PABQ (Prepaid Account Balance Query) application was selceted to reduce costly IVR calls which are offered for free to Prepay customers to check the balance. No/limited IT impact to eliminate dependencies from IT release planning. Almost no Marketing involvement required, except definition of access code: #101 *
The Marketing Engine To Serve All Your Prepaid Customers Two rack units support all Prepaid customers. 2x SUN Netra T1 AC200 as an optimized hardware configuration to radically optimize the CAPEX investment. Sicap IWU and UMB application deployed on the same redundant SUN servers (two servers in total). Capacity is more than sufficient and can be easily expanded by quickly adding more licenses (software based).
Architectural Overview Architecture is open for additional internal and external application service developments. OIS (Open Interface System) integration via Corba/XML (new for Sicap). Sicap UMC initially choosen as an interim O&M tool (new). Proprietary Interface to be developed (Corba/XML) towards SCP account via Open Interface System (OIS) utilizing Corba/XML
3 USSD As An Important Marketing Channel Increasingly Success With USSD Service Usage Additional Services Realised Applications & Services Under Investigation Marketing Aspects
USSD Application As An Important Marketing Channel Your balance is 9,35 EUR Your Advertisement could be here Marketing insists now on using the USSD string as a communications channel on a permanent basis (other than originally planned). USSD campaigns are on a permanent basis now (24h change process); Two campaings can run in parallel. USSD is a fast service (appr. 7s response), cheap in operation, flexible to Marketing plans and extremly effective! USSD advertisement string as a Marketing Channel multiplies the replies to service promotions and APRU generation. ‚Killer‘ Application Note: Maximum length of USSD string limited with Trium handsets (non GSM standard) limits the advertisement text possible !
Increasingly Success With USSD Service Usage ~ 350k ~ 700k
Additional Services Realised Added account expiry date information as an application. –Business Case to reduce inquiries to the customer care center. –individual promotion text possible. Added Sicap UMB (USSD Menu Browsing) application. : to access the USSD menu : for balance inquiries : for balance expiry date information Note: Watch your access network capacity ! #001 * #101 * #201 *
Applications & Services Under Investigation Enable nationwide usage of USSD by USSD stage 2 in national roaming environment or HLR ´update´ to support stage 1. Service Provider Support (MVNOs with own brand). Investigate and eventually promote International Roaming usage. Investigate Alternative Recharge applications. Take ideas from this Prepaid Mobile Conference.....
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