WE Surface-based Global Observing System for Weather Dr Alexandre Karpov Task POC
Does the Task Sheet as given in the Work Plan correctly describe the work, designate the POC, and list all Lead organizations? Basically yes. But some changes proposed: Task: Advocate a complete and stable surface-based (in situ and airborne, land and possibly ocean) Global Observing System (GOS). High-priority should be given to a stable, and, as much as possible, automated, fully functional World Weather Watch Upper Air Network and the further development of the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR Program). Change advocate to achieve Raise the level of information provided to communicate with non-technical reviewers Add additional work area
Does the Task Sheet as given in the Work Plan correctly describe the work, designate the POC, and list all Lead organizations? Work: –Improved stability and performance of the Upper Air Observing Network –Improved access to GOS data and information –Improved access and use of AMDAR/TAMDAR data –Development of concepts for integrated upper atmosphere observations POC: Alexandre Karpov, WMO/WWW/OSY
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for ? Major Accomplishments during 2006 –Assisted developing countries to avoid disruption of observations due to technology change; Facilitated delivery of Hydrogen generators, ground processing equipment and radiosondes –Organized four instrument intercomparisons (temperature, humidity) to ensure data quality –Organized three training workshops on upper air observing –Coordinated activation/rehabilitation of upper air observing stations over Antarctica
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for ? Highlights for –2007 Plan Complete two Instrument Inter-comparison campaigns Conduct at least one training workshop Develop and submit proposal for integrated observations to WMO Congress – (and beyond) Plan Work with ASECNA, IPY and THORPEX programmes to continue operation of sites activated for research Develop concepts/strategies to increase availability and use of AMDAR/TAMDAR observations Ensure connectivity/interoperability to WIS for distribution to GEOSS of all GOS data and information Complete approved integrated observations pilot projects
Task status (continued) Does the Task identify deliverables and products for both 2007 and 2008? –Yes Deliverables that may be of interest for the upcoming Ministerial meeting? –Operational infrastructure capable of acquiring and delivering weather and climate information to several SBAs Are there any issues that need attention from ADC or other GEO Committees –No
AR-07-PP01 WIS-GEOSS Exemplar Mr Jean-Michel Rainer Task POC
Does the Task Sheet as given in the Work Plan correctly describe the work, designate the POC, and list all Lead organizations? Yes Work: –Improved data distribution of WMO Data – Weather, Water and Climate –Data discovery and access –Improved connectivity and interoperability –Participation as Interoperability Process Pilot POC: Jean-Michel Rainer, WMO/WWW/ISS
GAW World Data Centres GCOS Data Centres Global Run-off Data Centre Global Precip. Climatology Centre IRI, Hadley Centre, and other climate research centres; Universities; Regional Climate Centres (CIIFEN, etc.) International Organizations (IAEA, CTBTO, UNEP, FAO.. ) Commercial Service Providers World Radiation Centre Regional Instrument Centres WMO World Data Centres International Projects (e.g. GMES HALO) Real-time “push” On-demand “pull” internet DCPC NC/ DCPC NC NC/ DCPC NC GISC Satellite Two-Way Systems Satellite Dissemination (IGDDS, GEO- Netcast) NC DCPC GISC DCPC WIS
Structure of WIS Functional centres interconnected by data communication networks: National Centres (NC) –Links national users to regional and global data exchange nodes Data Collection and Production Centres (DCPC) –Provides for regional and international exchange of data and products –Supports data and information push and pull Global Information System Centres (GISC) –Provides for global exchange of data and products –Supports data and information pull
Efficient, flexible services to meet all requirements: Routine collection and dissemination of time- and operations-critical data and products: o Real-time “push” through dedicated telecommunication Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval service: o “Pull” through the Internet (Portals) Timely delivery of data and products: o Delayed mode “push” through dedicated telecommunication means and the Internet Unified procedures Coordinated and standardized metadata ( ISO 191xxx) o Interoperability between programmes WIS Data Services
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for ? Major Accomplishments during 2006 –WIS/GTS component fully operational for time- and operations- critical exchange of WEATHER data, products and warnings; Includes some other environmental information (e.g., Tsunami Warnings) –Prototype WIS Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval Service demonstrated European Virtual GISC distributing and providing access to WMO data/info from 7 Product Centers in Real time –WMO Core Metadata profile, Version 1.0, adopted for WMO data/info For data discovery, based on ISO 191xxx
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for ? Highlights for –2007 Plan WIS/GTS component extended to include all time- and operations- critical WMO WEATHER, WATER and CLIMATE data and products WIS/IGDDS: Near-global coverage – exchange of Sat data/info Participation in GEOSS interoperability pilot WMO Core Metadata Profile, V2.0 –For data use and applications, including Metadata creation and editing tools –2008 Plan 1 GISC (Europe) and several associated DCPCs in operation –2009 Plan 4 GISCs in full- or semi-operation and many DCPCs covering all WMO Programmes –Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa
Task status (continued) Does the Task identify deliverables and products for both 2007 and 2008? –Yes Deliverables that may be of interest for the upcoming Ministerial meeting? –Operational infrastructure capable of delivering weather, water and climate information to several SBAs Are there any issues that need attention from ADC or other GEO Committees –No