3/12/20031 QoS Recherche des critères, paramètres et indicateurs pertinents pour les utilisateurs Réunion QOSTIC Paris 10 Décembre 2003 P-Y Hébert - AFUTT/ETSI
3/12/20032 Lacks in current standards In the following slides: 3This colour means: QoS parameter covered in one existing standard from the end-user point of view 3This colour means: QoS parameter covered in one existing standard for measurement method 3Therefore work is needed everywhere it's blue
3/12/20033 Lacks in current standards Provision 3Preliminary information 3Supply time for service access 3Completion efficiency 3Contract clarity 3Contract flexibility
3/12/20034 Lacks in current standards (2) Operation 3Service availability 3Coverage (mobile networks) 3Unsuccessful call ratio 3Set-up swiftness 3Absence of dropouts 3Speech or data quality 3Flow rate or transactions time 3Number of call to report fault. 3Exchange security 3Terminal protection
3/12/20035 Lacks in current standards (3) Customer services 3Swiftness of after-sales service to answer calls 3Efficiency of after-sales service 3Swiftness to repair 3Availability of operator services 3Efficiency of help line
3/12/20036 Lacks in current standards (4) Billing 3Bill correctness/Accuracy (counting and tariff) 3Bill presentation quality 3Number of claims 3Response time for admin/billing enquiries Other services 3Directory service availability Response time Relevance of the answers
3/12/20037 Next steps: EG QoS parameters review EG revision Have it acknowledged by the European and national regulation
3/12/20038 EG Parameter Review Each QoS parameter belongs to one of the 4 following QoS Criteria 3Availability 3Reliability 3Response time 3Capacity A set of parameters is to define (incl. acceptable range) in each of the application segments and subsegments: 3Audio 3Video 3Data 3Background applications and Others Fax Newsgroups, etc
3/12/20039 EG Parameter Review (ctd) Application segments and subsegments Audio: 3Telephony 3Voice messaging 3Streaming audio Video: 3Videophone 3Oneway video
3/12/ EG Parameter Review (ctd) Application segments and subsegments Data: 3Web browsing 3Bulk data transfer/retrieval (FTP) 3High priority transaction services (E-commerce) 3Command/control 3Still image 3Interactive games 3Telnet 3 (Server Access) 3Instant messaging
3/12/ EG Parameter Review (ctd) Application segments and subsegments Background applications: 3Fax 3Low priority transaction services (SMS) 3 (server to server transfer) 3Newsgroups (Usenet)
3/12/ QoS Parameter Review (ctd) The existing EG parameters have to be reviewed to conform to the 4 criteria and appropriate segmentation The missing QoS Parameters shall be defined A tentative framework for this revision for discussion during this meeting
3/12/ EG revision 3Provision: a lot to add 3Operation: several aspects to add Mobile QoS (coverage, GPRS, etc) Internet QoS. Exchange security Terminal protection etc 3Customer services Billing Correctness/Accuracy Bill presentation quality Response time for admin/billing enquiries and many others...
3/12/ EG revision Beside the parameter review, provide guidance to the user needs analysis for the definition of appropriate classes of services (Part 1) see ITU-T G1010 In addition to the end-to-end QoS concept (same parameter whatever the bearer network) define the perimeter for QoS parameter measurement.
3/12/ EG revision (ctd) Tentative measurement perimeters: 3Over the supplier networks Switched communications over fixed network Switched communications over mobile network Switched communications from fixed to mobile terminals Switched communications from mobile to fixed terminals IP communications over fixed network IP communications over mobile network 3Switched communications over international fixed networks 3Switched communications over international Mobile Networks
3/12/ THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION Comments welcomed