NEI: National Emissions Inventory EMF: Emissions Modeling Framework Marc Houyoux Air Quality Data Summit 12 February 2008
NEI – System Summary Database of anthropogenic emission sources for U.S. Data types and resolution Annual emissions of criteria pollutants & hazardous air pollutants Mobile and nonpoint source data, aggregated to county/source Large stationary emitters at point locations Users: OAQPS modeling and analysis in support of regulatory decisions, States, universities, public Suppliers: States and local agencies (some submittals required), and EPA (TRI, OTAQ, CAMD, OAQPS) Usage Functions Data collection, primary storage (including data access) Integration & consolidation
NEI – Planned enhancements Building a new system (EIS) to be located at EPA NCC Robust access Will be used for 2008 NEI Current issues are being resolved by new system Access – data will be provided in an database outside firewall Time to release – reducing from current of 3+ to 1-2 yrs Data transfer – will become automated and standardized Emissions Modeling Framework (2-way transfer) CAMDBS (electric generating unit emissions) TRI (HAP data) AFS (control and compliance data)
EMF – System Summary Purposes Process emissions for use in AQ modeling, including QA Create future-year inventories Build control strategies and these apply to inventories Provide record of data/options used for emissions processing efforts over time Data types and resolution Emission inventories: Historical, future, and future-controlled Annual, monthly, daily, and hourly Data for disaggregating emissions to species, hour, grid cell Emissions summaries output from processing Control measures and programs
EMF – System Summary, continued Users: OAQPS modeling in support of regulatory decisions (internal) Data suppliers, inventories: EPA (OAQPS, OTAQ, CAMD), Canada, and Mexico Other Suppliers: SPECIATE; Census Bureau shapefiles including Tiger/Line; land use and other shapefiles; EPA meteorology Usage Functions Aggregation, integration, processing, modeling Analysis, visualization, reporting
EMF – Planned Enhancements Connections to EIS Retrieve latest annual emissions inventories Share projected inventories Share speciation data (e.g., SPECIATE4) AQ “Sensitivity Tool” to facilitate AQ modelers easily tweaking emissions, for example: Reduce emissions of NO x and SO 2 by 50% in Northeast states Reduce emissions of NH 3 at all hog farms by 80%
Issues and connections NEI/EIS EMF Database Across public/HPC sides of NCC Purpose to date has been internal EPA system, but does work via “web services” EIS function for providing data to public & others via Internet Enhanced QA, Visualization, and shared geospatial data with AirQuest Emissions data for AQ modeling, EPA-wide Visualization with VERDI EIS function for automated transfer from suppliers Desktop Client EIS data transfer to NEISGEI, AirQuest, & possibly others Green text: Planned & existing Red text: To be addressed