CIMH Policy Forum September 10, 2009 Breakout Session
Focus for today Outline components of a community capacity-building change agenda Share concrete examples of this change agenda in action Respond to questions and explore the application of this change agenda to other contexts 2
3 Facts: verified or verifiable Stories: the meaning we make of facts Alternative language: movement and story Core concept: facts and stories
4 A group of individuals who know each other well enough to act together and support each other. A core concept: community
5 Flat or declining revenues Increasing costs Increasing #’s of people struggling with mental and behavioral health issues An adaptive dilemma
6 Everyone, not just people in our system or program Communities and families have primary responsibility for their members’ well-being Services as a bridge to community supports, not primary or “forever” Responding to the adaptive dilemma: A change in perspective
A change in action Helping communities support their members so they don’t need services. Helping people who already are receiving services connect to the community supports they need so they stay in services for less time. 7
Some emerging examples Helping communities support their members so they don’t need services. Latino Leadership Council CMAASA Faith-based initiatives 8
Promotoras Network of volunteer and paid Spanish-speaking community health outreach workers Primary role: First 5, DR, and PH initiatives…etc MH/AOD issues identified as barriers to primary role 9
Promotoras: Vision y Compromiso support Workforce and career development Linkages and building social capital Technical assistance Advocacy Policy Research and evaluation Capacity building Leadership development 10 Maria Lemus, Executive Director (510)
Community Members Against Alcohol & Substance Abuse (CMAASA) A variety of individuals with the ability to convene Spanish- speaking residents within their community Invitation is to understand how to move forward with community capacity building in Spanish- speaking communities 11 Gathering at Esther’s home
Faith-based initiatives Faith-based groups with a existing “recovery” program Invitation is to expand faith-based recovery in the County, and to enhance what exist to meet the needs of those with a mental illness 12 Gathering at BHRS
Latino Health Fair The catalyst for community involvement
Some emerging examples, cont’d Helping people who already are receiving services connect to the community supports they need so they stay in services for less time. Placer story Stanislaus story 14
Welcome Center outing to a local baseball game – River Cats
Welcome Center Art Walk Placer County Executiv e Offices
A change in leadership All of these shifts are about building shared ownership and leadership. Helping staff align with the new story Helping community leaders align with the new story 17
A change in leadership, cont’d A key challenge of leadership is nurturing new actions toward a change in vision. Helping our bosses align with the new story. Building structures of engagement and decision-making. 18
Group questions QUESTIONS/RESPONSES 19
Closing reflections 20
New Learning Collaborative Begins in January 2010 All Counties are invited to participate in the second round of the Community Capacity- Building Learning Collaborative supported in part by the State Department of Mental Health (DMH) and provided by California Institute of Mental Health (CiMH). New Format: First 6 months is supported by State DMH – no cost to counties! (Includes 2 inter- county gatherings and on-site T.A.) Continued, extensive T.A. is available – counties are asked to augment State DMH funds to participate and to submit a project proposal. (Includes 3 intensive inter- county retreats and extensive on-site T.A.) Any county that would like to participate in the first six months of the Learning Collaborative is asked to a completed, brief statement of interest form no later than Monday, January 4 th to Stephanie Oprendek at CiMH Please also contact Stephanie with any questions: (916) , Ext. 155.