Rural Workforce and the Bureau of Health Professions Jennifer L Riggle, J.D. Senior Advisor for Health Professions Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration August 31, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Create or save millions of jobs Down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century Unprecedented effort to jump start our economy Address workforce shortages
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Signed into law on Feb 17, 2009 In addition to 2009 and 2010 budget HRSA funding: $2.5 billion Health Centers: $2 billion Health Professions Workforce Programs: $500 million
$500 M Workforce Funding $200 million targets health professions training programs to strengthen the workforce in key areas $300 million supports scholarship and loan repayment programs for health professions students, including the National Health Service Loan Repayment ProgramNational Health Service Loan Repayment Program
Recovery Act Funding: Public Health and Nursing Public Health Traineeships $2.985 M Dental Public Health $7.464 M Nurse Faculty Loan Program $5.30 M awarded in July for 1 year Nurse Workforce Diversity $3.184
Recovery Act Funding: Diversity Programs Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students $39.8 M Centers of Excellence $3.98 M Health Careers Opportunity Program $2.985 M
Recent Competitions State Loan Repayment Program $20 million over 2 years Closed Aug 8 Award before Sept 30 Primary Care Offices $6 million over 3 years Closed Aug 15 Award before Sept 30
Upcoming Funding Opportunities Training in Primary Care, Medicine and Dentistry 6 opportunities $ M Preventive Medicine Residency Includes 3 specialty areas $ M
Additional Funding Opportunities Nurse Faculty Loan Program Late Fall $6.64 M Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students Late Fall $39.8 M
New Program: Equipment …EQUIPMENT for health professions training programs as authorized in the PHS Act $ M Broad, flexible language Dental chair to simulation lab
ARRA Reporting Requirements Government wide standard data Grantees report electronically Public Access
ARRA Health Professions Recipients of ARRA-funded Health Professions grants will report quarterly number of students trained, program completers, jobs created, funds expended and percentage of project completed
Additional Information Opportunities becoming available DHHS activities can be accessed at
Contact Information Jennifer L Riggle, J.D. Senior Advisor for Health Professions Health Resources and Services Administration