Night - Chapters 3-5 discussion questions
CHAPTER 3 Re-read the first part of page 32 (“Never shall I forget…”). Discuss the motif of night, both in this passage and in the text so far.
CHAPTER 3 Fire is another important motif in this chapter. How is the motif of fire used, both literally and figuratively?
Re-read the paragraph at the bottom of page 33 (“Those absent no longer touched…”). What is the emotional state of the Jews? How are they reacting to the situation? Does this surprise you, or make sense (or neither)?
CHAPTER 4 Elie describes two hangings—he tells the reader that he witnessed many others, yet he chose to write only about these two. Why are these two hangings so important to him? How do they differ from the others?
CHAPTER 4 Why do you think the Germans chose to hang a few prisoners in public at a time when they are murdering thousands a day in the crematoriums?
CHAPTER 4 When the young boy is hanged, a prisoner asks, “for god’s sake, where is god?” Elie hears a voice answer, “where is he? This is where—hanging here on this gallows…” what does this statement mean? Characterize the tone.
CHAPTER 5 What comment does the behavior of fathers and sons in this portion of the book (chapters 3-5) make on the theme of self-preservation versus family commitment?
CHAPTER 5 Explain the transformation that has taken place in Elie’s faith since the beginning of the memoir. How do his thoughts and actions portray the theme of struggling to maintain faith?
CHAPTER 5 “I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.” What does this statement mean? Do you agree/disagree? Explain.