International Telecommunication Union Progress update on ITU-T FG on ICT & CC Dave Faulkner Chairman Hiroshima Meeting March 2009
2 Contents Setting the scene How can our work impact Climate Change? Status of 4 Deliverables How can we help move the work forward? Notice to presenters of Contributions Where would your Contribution fit in D3? Highlight which text should be used and where it could go Main body=methodologies Appendix = case studies
3 Opening Remarks It is good see strong support from our host country (Japan) We hope you find our work thought provoking and helpful in promoting your green agenda This week our main objective is to finalise Deliverable 3 on Methodologies In view of the urgency of tackling climate change we need to focus on agreeing the main message We should not be sidetracked by details which can be tidied up via the Editors To date we have had two face to face meetings and 28 teleconferences Editors and FG members have worked in cooperation via etc to produce baseline texts for the 4 deliverables and an executive summary
4 Scene Setting- How can our work impact Climate Change? By reducing need for fossil fuel burn ITU Recommendations typically specify signals between black boxes These signals can be modified to allow low duty-cycle operation –Standby modes Management signals assist in fault location/rerouting Engineering visits can be scheduled to avoid wasted trips ICTs are used in other sectors devices to improve efficiency E.g. satellite navigation to assist farmers harvesting ICTs are used to substitute for other sectors emissions Travel Sensor systems to measure climate parameters for scientific purpose and/or adaptation E.g. Satellite spectrum management Terrestrial systems Alerts
5 Status of Deliverables D1 Definitions D2 Standards Gap Analysis and Roadmap D3 Methodology D4 Proposed Tools and Guidelines December 31 D1,2,and 4 published on FTP site Quality Assurance Review /Maintenance 18 March Review Responses April 27 March D3 edit Includes Contributions to November Final Deliverables Hiroshima QA Reviews Final Contbs added Executive Summary Quality Assurance Review /Maintenance Report To TSAG QA Reviews 8 April Telecon? 15 April Telecon?
6 How can we help move the work forward? Developing new ideas in your own company Sharing these ideas internationally via standards Become involved in ITU By making contributions Into the FG Deliverable 3 –With likely follow up in new Recommendations (after TSAG meets in April) Directly into existing SGs –Recommendations can be updated –E.g. Standby modes –By examining Questionnaire responses and spotting an opportunity to work on a green issue inside a SG
7 Some things to think about this week What opportunities do you have for leadership in the green area James Hansen Director of NASA said last week We can no longer allow politicians and business to twist and ignore science The scientists can connect the dots and define the implications of different policy choices and we should make clear those implications.* Would your line manager at work support you in a new project objective to reduce your own or your companys carbon footprint? Would a reference from FG Chairman help you launch this? Can your company feed into your countrys green agenda E.g. wider take up of travel avoidance ideas? Who else in your company could help you? If you have to leave before Friday please speak to Dave who has a small gift for you! *
8 Next Steps for FG Finalize Report to TSAG Deliverable 3 to be completed in March Executive Summary to be updated to include the findings of this meeting This will include gaps identified in D2 and elsewhere in the deliverables Direct input to TSAG from ITU membership TSAG to decide what follow-on work is required and in what group (28-30 April)
9 Reminder to Presenters: Proposed Contents for Contribution Some pointers for your presentation follow Scope of your contribution Brief outline of work done so far Benefits: How will your work impact Climate Change? How can ITU help move the proposal forward? Are any links to other standards bodies required? What is your proposition (e.g. brief summary of supporting document) Where would your contribution fit in D3? Highlight which text should be used and where it could go Main body=methodologies Appendix = case studies
10 Reminder to Presenters: Tutorial / Case study What is your idea/Proposal/Challenge? What is your solution/technology? What are the benefits? Why are you/your company doing the work? What are the issues/problems to overcome? Have you any examples/case studies to share? Which methodology did you use? Etc…