What are your personal beliefs about miracles? Faith? Dreams? Vengeance? Protecting family? Entry Task Today you’ll need your journal, writing utensil, and PLAR packet.
Group Discussion On the day of your group discussion, each of you will have a role- already prepared. You will be expected to come prepared. At the end of each meeting each member will “grade” the other members based on preparation, and participation. You must participate in group discussions.
Discussion Director PREP: Create discussion questions to lead group through the MAIN IDEAS and EVENTS of the section read. DAY OF MEETING Also responsible for facilitating the discussion: keeping everyone focused and on track. Records group responses.
Vocabulary Vulcan PREP For the assigned section, find and track new vocabulary. Define (denotatively, connotatively) DAY OF MEETING Teach words to group Keeps track of words that other group members asked about.
Character Captain PREP Chooses three characters to focus on for discussion Finds quotes that show something about the characters. Comes prepared with questions about the characterization. DAY OF MEETING Leads discussion about characterization Records group’s responses
Literary Luminary PREP Picks three important passages from the reading section. Prepares questions to ask about each passage. DAY OF MEETING Directs discussion around those passages Records group responses.
Motif Review- for your third objective/ in-class essay.
Motifs Review A motif is recurring thematic element used in the development of a literary or artistic work. – it's something symbolic that keeps turning up in order to reinforce the main theme of the work.
Motif- Questions to think about Are there objects, ideas, or concepts I have seen repeated in this novel? What could that object, idea, or concept mean? What could that object, idea, or concept teach me about the theme of the story? – This is where you will determine the connection between your motif and a perceived theme.
Peace Like a River As we read, you’ll be choosing one to two motifs to track throughout the novel. This will be how you collect evidence for the final in class essay. There are a few motifs in this novel: – Miracles – Dreams – War: any reference to fighting, battles, war, etc. – Breathing/Breath
Tracking a Motif Each person will track his/her chosen motifs while reading the novel (miracles, dreams, or war). List event and page number(s) in your journal (or use a specific color post-it note to mark motif examples). Example for miracles: – Rueben’s birth and how Jeremiah revives him (1-2)
Activity 60 second recap: youtube videos. CONDRECAPcom/playlists CONDRECAPcom/playlists We’re going to primarily watch some of the motif recaps of novels we know.
After watching this… Think about any novel, story, movie, play, television show. – Create a 60 second recap of a motif in the play/novel/story/movie. The recaps are written out (not filmed). Be prepared to share tomorrow.