Eric Immerfall Elizabeth Smit Jordan Johnston Lisa Andela Aaron Goodman
Need for proper agricultural education in Cambodia. Proposed solution is Eden School of Agriculture (ESA). School Needs: common building, sanitary facilities, bridge for road, water tank, irrigation system, and energy source. Context Faith & Engineering Design Norms Obstacles
Navy Chann and Ly Chaay Genesis Community of Transformation Located in Sre Ambel, Cambodia Context Faith & Engineering Design Norms Obstacles
Working with a community of learning that is centered around the church and Christian principles. Skills put to good use will help construct the necessary elements for an educational facility. Context Faith & Engineering Design Norms Obstacles
Cultural appropriateness through the design, materials, and construction methods of the common Cambodian. Transparency in communication about the simplicity and reliability of the design. Integrity of design will facilitate relationships between people and their land. Context Faith & Engineering Design Norms Obstacles
Distance › Site specifics › Communication › Climate/Weather Cultural Differences › Standard building practices › Access to materials and site Financial Support › The average yearly salary is about $500 Context Faith & Engineering Design Norms Obstacles