Ratio Christi Virginia Tech Introduction to Apologetics Meeting: 1 February 2, 2010
What does“Apologetics” even mean? Comes from Greek root: Apologia- To give a defense, a reason (Ratio Christi means “The Reason of Christ” in Latin) We are not apologizing for being Christians! (though sometimes we feel like we should, don’t we?) 1 Peter 3:15- “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” Apologetics
Why does it matter? We live in a world where information, cultural values, and religious or spiritual beliefs are transmitting at overwhelming rates Christianity is often shown as outdated, ignorant, or for closed-minded fools Many Christians go out and want to share their beliefs but are lacking the tools needed to explain and give reasons for their faith
The Goal of Ratio Christi “To Present and Equip fellow Christians with the countless Evidences for the Truth of Christianity to AID in their Witness and Spiritual Convictions, thus helping to fulfill Christ’s greatest command to ‘Love the LORD your God with all of your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your MIND, and with all your strength’-Mark 12:30 NASB ”
NOT The Goal of Ratio Christi “To foster a disrespectful, argumentative environment, encouraging the development of unloving witness to others inside and outside the body of Christ.”
What Evidence is There? Christians do not have to be afraid to stand confidently in their faith FAITH IS NOT BLIND (i.e., trust) There is so much compelling evidence for Christianity that many do not realize is out there! (That is why we are here!) Athena: How do you know? How do you really know that you can trust me? Admiral: I don't. That's what trust is. Good hunting, Lieutenant.
What evidence is There? The Scriptures Themselves – Historicity of the Old and New Testament Cosmological Argument Teleological Argument Moral Argument The Church Intelligent Design* Many more! We plan to dig into each one of these topics this semester * O, man. This one’s going to be fun!
The turf Only 10% of humanity does not hold any belief in a higher power- We are NOT a minority Nearly every opposition you or I will face to Christianity will be those who have not put much thought into their beliefs, and have reduced their arguments into a series of ungrounded slogans, Just asking a few simple questions or for clarification of their beliefs can be enough to bring the roof down. many of which are logically unstable and self- defeating. Unfortunately many believers also hold a similar form of Christianity. But that’s why we’re here, right?
Where We Must Start In a postmodern age, finding the common ground to begin a conversation can be tough Along with Eastern thought comes a struggle to define the most basic principles of reality Define Laws of Reality: Non-Contradiction What is truth and what can be known about the universe (don’t sweat, most of society can agree on many of these premises) This all points to a MAJOR issue in Apologetics: WORLDVIEW
What is a Worldview? The series of premises and basic understandings of the universe from which a person lives life Presuppositions from which we all decide what is truth, The “window” we all have EVERYONE HAS A WORLDVIEW (e.g., if you presuppose that supernatural events cannot happen, the resurrection of Christ, along with many less astounding events, will NEVER be accepted as plausible)
What we will cover next meeting… Worldview Basics What is truth? Evidences for a Creator And coming soon…
Proposed Meeting Schedule February 2 nd : Introduction February 17 th : Worldview/ Truth March 2 nd : Does God exist? Part 1 March 16 th: Does God exist? Part 2 **March 23 rd : Creation vs. Evolution March 30 th : Is the Bible true? (resurrection) April 13 th: Tough Questions April 27 th: Why Christianity/ Tactics Schedule is subject to change!!! Feel free to propose topics to discuss and we will try to work them into the schedule ** Possible extra meeting- date subject to change (TBD at a later time)
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References I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be and Atheist- Norman Geisler and Frank Turek Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis Unshakable Foundations- Geisler
Questions ? Ratio Christi Virginia Tech
The Opposition(?) Only 10% of humanity does not hold any belief in a higher power- We are NOT a minority Nearly every opposition you or I will face to Christianity will be those who have not put much thought into their beliefs and have reduced their arguments into a series of ungrounded slogans, many of which are logically unstable and self-defeating. Just asking a few simple questions or for clarification of their beliefs can be enough to bring the roof down. (Unfortunately many believers also hold a similar form of Christianity-again, that is why we are here!) There are a handful of scholarly materialistic naturalists, agnostics Other religions, spiritualists, cult followings