1 CALIXARENE EXTRACTANTS FOR RADIOWASTE PARTITION HANNOVER MESSE April, 2007 Hannover Yury MATVIEIEV Institute of Organic Chemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kiev Khlopin Radium Institute St. Petersburg, Russia
2 Talk outline 1.What is needed in the market? 2.Brief technology description. 3.Stage of development. 4.Who needs it & how many will they need? 5.What is my unique technology advantage? 6.Competitive matrix. 7.How will I beat the competition? 8.Opportunity for joint work.
3 Proprietary information statement The technology material presented in this talk is available for licensing or joint product development. None of the slides contain any confidential or proprietary information which would prevent patenting the technology.
4 Problem Description & Market Need (What is the problem? Or, What is needed in the market? And, How big is the potential market? What is the disease (if its a medical talk)? ) Efficient reprocessing of wastes arising from nuclear power remains one of the most complicated problems of radiochemical industry. Long-lived radionuclides, especially actinides, are the most hazardous components of the high level wastes (HLW) of nuclear power stations. Their separation from the total waste mass and disposal or reprocessing (transmutation) should enable significantly to raise the ecological safety and efficiency of nuclear fuel cycle. A combined approach to HLW reprocessing, i.e. the recovery of several radionuclide groups immediately in one cycle, seems to be promising.
5 Brief technology description The HLW partitioning problem can be solved by the extraction technology with the use of organophosphorus extractants recovering TRU, technetium and platinides. The widely used extractants like trialkylphosphine oxide, carbamoylphosphine oxides or diphosphine dioxides possess low efficiency and insufficient selectivity, affording no separation of hazardous radionuclides from acidic high-level waste. We propose a new class of perspective extractants on the base of calixarenes functionalized with phosphine oxide, carbamoylphosphine oxide or diphosphine dioxide groups. In such compounds the binding groups may be best located around a metal cation, increasing the extraction efficiency and selectivity to a great extent. Extraction and stripping of radionuclides of the real High Level Waste
6 Advantages (What is my unique and overwhelming technology advantage?) Calix[4]arene alkylphosphine oxides, carbamoylphosphine oxides or diphosphine dioxides developed jointly by the Institute of Organic Chemistry NASU (Kiev) and Khlopin Radium Institute (St. Petersburg) extract simultaneously actinides, lanthanides, technetium and palladium from real HLW hundred times more efficient than the industrial extractants. In three contacts ~ 99,9 % of gross -activity, more than 98 % of Tc and Pd were recovered from real HLW.
7 Extraction of radionuclides (% of initial) by CIP-67 from the Real High Level Waste E1 E2 Real HLW 0,04 M CIP-67 2% n-octanol NBTF Solvent EXTRACT, radionuclides, 100% E3 E4 Am – 47 Cm – 27 Eu – 20 Ce – 70 gross – 28 Eu < 0,1 Ce – 12 gross – 0,14 Extractant CIP-67
8 Stage of development (clinical tests if medical) and international patents The Institute of Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is enable to product the calixarene extractants in kilo scale quantities. The testing of the calixarene extractants has being successfully performed with the real HLW on the MAYAK plant by specialists of the Khlopin Radium Institute, St.-Petersburg, in the framework of the joint project STCU (RUS-09) / ISTC (2068).
9 Targeted Market Segment (Who needs it? How many will they need? What price are they willing to pay, what do they pay now?) Any Atomic Power Station Radiochemical Enterprizes
10 Competition (Who is my competition? How will I beat the competition?) TOPO-process (40% of heteroradical phosphinoxide in dodecane TRUEX- process (0,2 М CMPO + 30 % ТBP in dodecane)
11 Competitive Matrix Important product or technology characteristics My company or institutes product Competitor #1 TOPO Competitor #2, TRUEX Concentration of extractant 0,04 М CIP1,1 М ФОР0,2 М CMPO+ 1,4 М ТBP Acidity HLW up to 1 Мup to 0,3 Мup to 3 М extractive radionuclides actinides, lanthanides, Tc, Pd actinides, lanthanides, Tc, Pd actinides, lanthanides Disturbing ( co - extractive ) elements MoFe, Mo, Zr, HNO3 Fe, Mo, Zr
12 Opportunities (What I am seeking. Opportunity for joint work. Seeking potential partners and licensees. And, How much will it cost?) We offer: Calix[4]arene alkylphosphine oxides, carbamoylphosphine oxides or diphosphine dioxides –new highperformance type organophosphorus extractants FOR RADIOWASTE PARTITION the extraction technology with the use of organophosphorus extractants recovering TRU, technetium and platinides.
13 Contact information Iurii MATVIEIEV Institute of Organic Chemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kiev