Respiratory Disorders
Common Cold Contagious viral respiratory infection Contagious viral respiratory infection Indirect causes – chilling, fatigue, lack of proper food, and not enough sleep Indirect causes – chilling, fatigue, lack of proper food, and not enough sleep Rx – stay in bed, drink warm liquids and fruit juice, good nutrition Rx – stay in bed, drink warm liquids and fruit juice, good nutrition Also called an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) Also called an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) Handwashing is best preventative measure Handwashing is best preventative measure
Laryngitis Inflammation of larynx or voice box Inflammation of larynx or voice box Often secondary to other respiratory infections Often secondary to other respiratory infections Symptoms—sore throat, hoarseness or loss of voice, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) Symptoms—sore throat, hoarseness or loss of voice, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
Sinusitus Infection of mucous membrane that lines sinus cavities Infection of mucous membrane that lines sinus cavities Caused by bacteria or virus Caused by bacteria or virus Symptoms: Symptoms: Headache or pressure Headache or pressure Thick nasal discharge Thick nasal discharge Loss of voice resonance Loss of voice resonance Rx – Rx – Analgesics Medications to loosen secretions Surgery for chronic sinusitis
Pharyngits “Sore throat” “Sore throat” Red, inflamed throat Red, inflamed throat
Bronchitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchial tubes Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchial tubes Produces excessive mucus Produces excessive mucus May be acute or chronic May be acute or chronic
Bronchitis Acute bronchitis characterized by cough, fever, substernal pain and RALES (rapsy sound) Acute bronchitis characterized by cough, fever, substernal pain and RALES (rapsy sound) Chonic bronchitis – middle or old age, cigarette smoking most common cause Chonic bronchitis – middle or old age, cigarette smoking most common cause
Influenza (Flu) Viral infection causing inflammation of the mucus membranes Viral infection causing inflammation of the mucus membranes Symptons: Fever, mucopurulent discharge, muscular pain, extreme exhaustion Symptons: Fever, mucopurulent discharge, muscular pain, extreme exhaustion Complications: pneumonia, neuritis, otitis media and pleurisy Complications: pneumonia, neuritis, otitis media and pleurisy Rx: treat the symptoms Rx: treat the symptoms
Pneumonia Infection of the lung Infection of the lung Can be caused by bacteria or virus Can be caused by bacteria or virus Alveoli fill with exudate (thick fluid) Alveoli fill with exudate (thick fluid) Symptoms – chest pain, fever, chills, and dyspnea Symptoms – chest pain, fever, chills, and dyspnea Rx – O2 and antibiotics Rx – O2 and antibiotics
Tuberculosis (TB) Very infectious bacterial lung disease Very infectious bacterial lung disease Tubercles (lesions) form in the lungs Tubercles (lesions) form in the lungs
Tuberculosis (TB) Symptoms Cough Cough Low grade fever in the afternoon Low grade fever in the afternoon Weight loss Weight loss Night sweat Night sweat
Tuberculosis Diagnosis – TB skin test Diagnosis – TB skin test If skin test positive – follow up with chest X-ray and sputum sample If skin test positive – follow up with chest X-ray and sputum sample RX – antibiotic RX – antibiotic
Tuberculosis Game Go to this website and play this computer game about tuberculosis: Go to this website and play this computer game about tuberculosis: e/tuberculosis/ e/tuberculosis/
Asthma Inflammatory airway obstruction Inflammatory airway obstruction Caused by an allergen or psychological stress Caused by an allergen or psychological stress 5% of Americans have asthma 5% of Americans have asthma
Asthma Symptoms: Symptoms: Difficulty Exhaling Difficulty Exhaling Dyspnea Dyspnea Wheezing Wheezing Tightness in chest Tightness in chest
Asthma Rx: anti-inflammatory drugs and inhaled bronchodilator Rx: anti-inflammatory drugs and inhaled bronchodilator
Emphysema Alveoli become over-dilated, lose their elasticity, can’t rebound Alveoli become over-dilated, lose their elasticity, can’t rebound May eventually rupture May eventually rupture Air becomes trapped, can’t exhale – Air becomes trapped, can’t exhale – Forced exhalation required Forced exhalation required Reduced exchange of O2 and CO2 Reduced exchange of O2 and CO2 Dyspnea increases as disease progresses. Dyspnea increases as disease progresses.
Pneumothorax Collasped lung due to air in the pleural cavity Collasped lung due to air in the pleural cavity Corrected by putting in a chest tube. Corrected by putting in a chest tube.
Thoracentesis Insertion of a needle through the thoracic cavity and into the pleural cavity to drain fluid Insertion of a needle through the thoracic cavity and into the pleural cavity to drain fluid
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