NGO Center for Scientific Technical Development INOTEH
Main tasks of Inoteh Technical, methodical & informational support in: Development of nuclear legal framework Nuclear and radiation safety Protection of population and environment during N/Rad. activities Innovation technologies using isotope, radiological, georadar and other methods Radiological monitoring of the environment New technologies in agriculture Training of personnel and public information Serves as Technical Support Organisation for Regulatory Authority (National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities)
Radiological monitoring lab, Republican Center of Applied Pedology Created within the Soviet Union network of monitoring of nuclear weapon (NW) testing Monitoring of agricultural lands pollution with nuclear fission products Elaboration of agricultural production stability measures in NW conditions
Radiological monitoring lab, Republican Center of Applied Pedology Since 1986 –leading role in evaluation of Chernobyl accident consequences within Moldovan territory Monitoring of γ background, soil, agricultural products and water pollution Development of polluted soil maps Elaboration of radiation protection measures –study of Cs, Sr isotopes migration in soil – vegetables chain Soil pollution levels standardization approaches Forecast of basic agricultural products pollution
Radiological monitoring lab, Republican Center of Applied Pedology Analyses of 226 Ra, 238 U, 232 Th concentration in soils using methods: -Radiometry -Spectrum -photometry -Electrolyze -γ -spectrometry
Radiological monitoring lab, Republican Center of Applied Pedology Since 1992 г. more functions: - radiation control center in agricultural production sector -monitoring of soil and agricultural production pollution with global depositions as well as a result of transboundary accidents -monitoring of air pollution -departmental supervision of radiation safety and security at the entities using ionizing radiation sources (IRS)
Radiological monitoring lab, Republican Center of Applied Pedology Major IRS were used at different production and scientific facilities Since 1990 th they was not used any more and their physical protection become an major issue Lab has conducted an inventorisation and with the assistance US DoE and IAEA an effective physical protection was ensured
Used methods - Dosimetry - Radiometry - Scintillation β – γ spectrometry - Radio-chemistry
Available Equipment -dosimeters -β – γ spectrometer -α - β radiometer -liquid α - β spectrometer –Thricarb3170 -liquid radiometer Triatler etc.
Needed equipment - α, β, γ neutron dosimeter/s -γ -spectrometer with Ge detector with electronic cooling e- 0-3Mev -β –spectrometer on semiconductors -Lab. Stove C -Ph meters, analytical weighs, lab glass, lab. supplies, centrifuge, shaker, bi-distillator etc. -Conditioning systems -Personal Computers
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