Carl G. Jung
1. I am more of a listener than a talker. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
2. Compared with others, I am difficult to get to know. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
3. I find it difficult or unpleasant to make small talk. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
5. I would not want to be in charge of a large group. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
6. I would feel very self-conscious if someone pointed out a large stain on my clothes in front of other people. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
7. I have a tendency to daydream. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
8. It makes me feel uneasy when strangers watch me do something. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
9. It takes me a long time to get over an embarrassment. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
10. I would feel embarrassed if I stumbled in public. A. VERY TRUE B. LARGELY TRUE C. SLIGHTLY TRUE D. NOT TRUE
Scoring A = 1 point B = 2 points C = 3 points D = 4 points
29 – 40 points You are highly extroverted. You enjoy being around and interacting with people. However you may want to guard against acting too spontaneously in certain settings in which your gregarious side might best be kept under control.
21 – 28 points You fall somewhere between both introvert – extrovert extremes, as do most people. You like being part of the social set but you also enjoy time alone.
10 – 20 points You tend to be on the introverted side. You can cope with people when necessary but for the most part you prefer to be alone. You’re not highly dependent on others to uplift your mood, but instead tend to rely on your own inner mental life for inspiration.
Introversion Energy flows more naturally toward their inner world. Interested in primarily their own thoughts and feelings. Deeply introspective.
Extroversion Energy flows outwardly, focused on the outer world. Tend to be more social and better aware of what is going on around them. No one is pure introvert or extrovert, at times one might be more appropriate than the other.
Consciousness Perceptions and memories. The reality contact that enables a person to adapt to his/her environment.
Ego Provides a sense of consistency and direction in our conscious lives. Persons conception of self.
Persona The way we present ourselves to the world. Our social roles, the clothes we choose to wear. Latin = Mask
Personal Unconscious Consists of all the impulses, wishes, personal perceptions and experiences that are suppressed or forgotten.
Collective Unconscious Psychological Heritage. Mind of an infant already possesses a structure which molds all further development.
Archetypes Psychic structures, dry river beds. Master hard drive of ideas (mother, heroes, God)
Shadow Tendencies, desires, memories and experiences that are rejected by the individual as incompatible with the persona. “Darker Self” inferior animal-like part of the personality. “Something came over me”
Anima & Animus Cross sexual part of the personality. Focus for material that does not fit an individuals conscious self-image as a man or woman. Anima Unacceptable feminine characteristics in men Animus Unacceptable masculine characteristics in women.
Self Representation of the whole person Considered a drive or urge toward self - realization