Extension of the implementation area for Galileo/GMES-based services Dr. Nikolay Kiryukhin, Academy of technological sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, December 2, 2011
Structural funds as the source for deeper cooperation between Ukraine and EU General requirements from EC: 1. Decreasing the gap between FP7 and Structural funds 2. Smart specialization for regional innovations. Mr. Landabaso (DG Regional Policy): Spain got huge investment from EC in 90 th. It was created really modern infrastructure by use these means (motorways; railways; etc.). But in spite of made modernization Spain has near 20% level of unemployment today. 3. Extra hardware and human resources for lighter implementation of Galileo/GMES services in new MS 4. Legal procedure for EC funding of Ukrainians inside EU (as legal entities: JV or subsidiaries)
Why Poland and Silesia? Poland already got and will get significant part from EC Structural funds It was planned 250 large (> Euro 50M) projects for 2007 – 2013 (25% of EC total number) Developed industry and agriculture in Silesia Well-developed infrastructure for innovations (almost 50% of industrial parks are placed in Silesia) Enlargement project to the neighbor region (Krakow)
Proposed scheme for cooperation New GMES/Galileo services ESA, DLR, CNES, … Silesia, Poland Ukraine (region + SSAU) New markets with extra funding Resources for light implementation Experience in high tech implementation
Beneficiaries and their potential interests State space agency of Ukraine (SSAU): external support of high tech space companies Regional government of Silesia, Poland: implemented innovative products; new jobs Regional government of Kharkov, Ukraine: EU market opening for the local high-tech products; increasing revenue from export-oriented products Polish&Ukrainian federal governments: spread experience to other region EC (A): methodology for high-tech implementation in new MS EC (B): experience for cooperation in the area of innovations with Eastern partnership countries European (ESA); German (DLR); French (CNES) and other MS space agencies: extension of space technologies use in the new regions
Project stages Stage 1: Beneficiary networking Funding: ???? Stage 2A: Creation of network from the players Funding: Structural funds Stage 2B: European business style promotion for Ukrainian entrepreneurs Funding: Eastern partnership (grant) Stage 3: Implementation of the services based on Galileo/GMES in Silesia Funding: Structural funds for implementation; FP7 and national programs for technology development Stage 4: Implementation of the services based on Galileo/GMES in Ukraine Funding: Eastern partnership (loan)