April 14 th, 2014 Click to Add Subtitle
Advanced Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet; give back learning target sheets Learning target focus: 4 Unit 9 Learning Check #2 analysis Small group practice: (for points, make sure I check you off as you complete each set) – Set 2: pg. 756 (10, 11, 13) – Set 3: pg. 172 (42, 45, 46, 47) Exam: Wednesday
Advanced Physics Groups DonnaBradJesseKimChristianGage MeaganAshley BMichaelaAustinKaylaBecky DakotaBrianBoMirandaClaarAntonia Ashley TConnerZackJohnny DestinyHannahPaigeKelsey ChaylenWhitneyCourtney
2 nd Period Chemistry I Starter: get out writing utensil, Mole Map and calculator In your notes, which “road” would you take to: Convert from 2.48 moles NaCl to grams? Convert from moles of NO 2 to molecules? Convert from 50.2 g of carbon to atoms of carbon? Today’s learning targets: 6 Learning Check analysis Continue new skill practice: Using the “Mole Concept” map 10-2 Practice problems Due this week: Wednesday: 10-2 review/reinforcement Thursday: 10-3 notes
Astronomy Starter: get out new SW/APOD sheet; pick up new learning target sheet; complete “pre-lesson” column SW/APOD Today’s learning targets: 1-5 Mars test analysis Finish Roving Mars Begin: Jupiter
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet; pick up new learning target sheet and complete pre- lesson column Seniors – who will help sell prom tickets? Today’s learning targets: 4-5 SMQ Reading: pg. 182 (Gravitational Fields) Makeup test: today after school
AP Chemistry Daily Starter: get out wkst 37 The AP Chem exam is 3 weeks from today! Wkst 36 due tomorrow Wkst 36 due tomorrow Continue wkst 37 Begin review for AP exam Equation writing practice Weekly Chem days: M, W, F Today is a “B” day for SLC
Write net ionic equations. Answer additional questions. 1.A 20.0 mL sample of 0.10 M potassium phosphate is added to a 30.0 mL sample of 0.10 M calcium chloride. How many moles of product are formed? 2.Carbon dioxide gas is bubbled into freshly distilled water. The pH of the solution decreases as the reaction proceeds. Explain.
Write net ionic equations. Answer additional questions. 3. A piece of zinc metal is placed in a 1.0 M solution of hydrochloric acid. (write equation) When a piece of zinc metal is placed in a 1.0 M solution of acetic acid at the same temperature, the rate of the reaction is slower than when hydrochloric acid is used. Explain.
7 th Period Chemistry – REPORT CARDS!!!! Starter: get out writing utensil, Mole Map and calculator In your notes, which “road” would you take to: Convert from 2.48 moles NaCl to grams? Convert from moles of NO 2 to molecules? Convert from 50.2 g of carbon to atoms of carbon? Today’s learning targets: 6 Learning Check analysis Continue new skill practice: Using the “Mole Concept” map 10-2 Practice problems Due this week: Wednesday: 10-2 review/reinforcement Thursday: 10-3 notes
SLC: AP Chem Thermochemistry free response
SLC: Math Compass prep New skill: Solving systems of equations – Substitution – Elimination Zoom math