Employee Engagement Leadership Academy Session #3--March 19, 2015 Dr. Frank Benest
Feedback on Team Projects Each team briefly presents modified work plan: The challenge Research methodology Deliverable(s) Feedback from all
Coaching Program Webinar “Developing Effective Relationships with Elected Officials” Key points
Steve Jobs Commencement Speech What was remarkable about speech? What was Job’s “crucible” experience?
Overview 1. “Developing Strategic Communications Plan” 2. Discussion of articles 3. TED.com video—Simon Sinek 4. Myers-Briggs leadership assessment 5. Peer coaching
Overview (con’t) 6. Guest presentation--“Employee Engagement” 7. Debrief info interviews 8. Reaction panel 9. Scheduling development conversations with coach 10. More feedback on team projects 11. Team meetings
Developing Strategic Communications Plan Share in pairs Focus on Q’s # 1, 2, 6, 7, 10 Share in large group
Discussion of Articles “Making Presentations Like a Pro” “Dealing with Angry Crowds”
Simon Sinek TED.com video Key points
First Goal for Today Recognize and Appreciate Your Natural Preferences & Those Different from Yours What is a Preference…?
It’s about How We See Differences Natural Beneficial Necessary Crucial
Difference / Diversity Genetics Biodiversity Agriculture Finances Global Business Teams Your Team
Only ONE Lens to Self-Awareness YES Innate Preferences Core Motivations Internal Compass NO Not boxes for us all All those of one type are the same Skills/Aptitude
Katherine Briggs & Isabel Myers
Carl Jung - Swiss Psychiatrist 1875 –1961
Carl Jung’s Original Ideas Synchronicity Archetypes Collective Unconscious
4 Preferences - Each on a Spectrum Introversion Sensing Thinking Judging Extroversion Intuiting Feeling Perceiving Clear Moderate Slight Slight Moderate Clear
Katherine Briggs & Isabel Myers
Background Pairs of Preferences Carl Jung Theory / Model E or I S or N T or F J or P Myers-Briggs 1940s A or B? MBTI SurveyInstrument 16 Myers- Briggs Types Keirsey/Bates 4 Temperaments Portraits
INTROVERT or EXTRAVERT Where do we get our energy?
Where do we get our energy? Introversion Reflection Inward Privacy Concentration Few Quiet Think-Do-Think Extraversion Action Outward People Interaction Many Expressive Do-Think-Do
What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue
SENSING or INTUITIVE How do we take in Information?
How do we take in information? Sensing Facts Realistic Specific Present Keep Practical What is Intuiting Ideas Imaginative General Future Change Theoretical What could be
What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue
THINKING or FEELING How do we evaluate information and make decisions?
How we make decisions Thinking Head Detached Things Objective Critique Analyze Firm but fair Feeling Heart Personal People Subjective Appreciate Understand Merciful
What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue
JUDGING or PERCEIVING How do we deal with the external world, deadlines and closure?
How we deal with external world deadlines, closure Judging Organized Decision Control Now Closure Deliberate Plan Perceiving Flexible Information Experience Later Options Spontaneous Wait
What is your self estimate? Humorous dialogue
Here is Your Reported Type
Background Pairs of Preferences Carl Jung Theory / Model E or I S or N T or F J or P Myers-Briggs 1940s A or B? MBTI SurveyInstrument 16 Myers- Briggs Types Keirsey/Bates 4 Temperaments Portraits
The Four Temperaments Guardians - SJ Duty Seekers Rationals - NT Knowledge Seekers Idealists - NF Ideal Seekers Artisans - SP Action Seekers
Motivated by a need to be useful and of service Value the traditions, customs and laws of society Guardians (SJ) Duty Seekers
Knowledge Seekers Motivated by a need for knowledge and competency Value the theoretical and the powers of the mind Rationals (NT)
Ideal Seekers Motivated by a need to understand themselves and others Value authenticity and integrity; strive for an ideal world Idealists (NF)
Action Seekers Motivated by a need for freedom and need to act Value living in the moment, the here and now Artisans (SP)
Your Leadership Style via Lens of Myers Briggs Three Leadership Activities Setting Direction Inspiring Others Mobilizing the accomplishment of goals Your preferences bring assets and challenges to your Leadership Style
Homework for Today Read your Communication Style Report, esp. last page “Communication Tips;” and your Leadership Profile Select one item to focus on Reply to from Eileen with your Tip by next Monday Practice between now and next session Report out next session
Peer Coaching Who has a challenging or problematic situation or project at work for which they would like peer feedback & suggestions?
Career Journey Donna Vaillancourt My story What do you discern as challenges and effective strategies?
Employee Engagement San Mateo County
Employee Engagement Critique of case study What went well? What did not go so well? What are lessons learned for our future practice?
Employee Engagement San Mateo Co Guide “In my current role, what is one thing that I can personally do to better engage direct reports or co-workers?”
Information Interviews Debrief in pairs What did you like and enjoy? What was difficult or uncomfortable? What was one thing that resonated with you or something you found somewhat surprising? Share in large group
Reaction Panel What resonated with me? What did not resonate with me? What do I have to add?
Assignments for Next Session Complete readings Practice Myers Briggs Tip Schedule meeting with Exec Sponsor to inform about scope of team project Schedule “development conversation” with your coach Go to handout “Becoming a Great Coach” (posted for session #4)
Enhancing Team Projects Eileen Beaudry
Sample Outline for Team Report Principles Start with end in mind What does audience want to know? Less is more Outline Challenge & assignment Summary of recommendations Methodology (brief) Recommendations Call to action
Team Project Presentations Presentation incl. recommendations (15 minutes) Questions by Board & responses (10 minutes)
Scheduling Presentations Dry Runs One in May Two in June Two in July Final Presentations at PMA Meeting 11:30 am One in June Two in July Two in August
Feedback on Team Projects Each team presents 3 minute update on the status of your project research Are you on target? Still narrowing scope? Feedback from all
Team Projects Questions from teams? Assistance needed? Team meetings Thank you!