The Universal “Hero’s Journey”
This guy is Joseph Campbell. Coined term “monomyth” to describe a type of universal story structure All stories are essentially the same story… just changes in time/ place/perspective Believed stories could teach us: “Follow your bliss”
Instincts, nightmares, hopes and dreams shared… Campbell influenced by Carl Jung’s Collective Unconscious theory CU = Our “fantasy lives” share an archetypal structure that crosses gender, culture, race, even time in history!
Many different colors & materials, one basic shoe. Campbell found one basic structure that linked important cultural myths all the way to modern movies. The monomyth, though it has many variations, typically consists of 12 stages
Ordinary World vs. Special World Reader meets hero Hero lives in safe haven—opposite of Special World Hero is living daily, predictable life,
V calls Evey on a journey she can’t come back from… Journey begins! Hero presented with a challenge or quest by an outside force, message, or character Quest must be taken to preserve the Ordinary World
Red pill or blue pill???????? Hero refuses or is reluctant to take the journey Fears and insecurities Shows risks that lie ahead—audience identifies with hero
You knew my father?! Hero meets a mentor to gain confidence, training, insight, magical gifts Mentor may be actual person, spirit, or some type of book/map/guide
Peter Banning (formerly Pan) finds himself in Neverland Hero enters Special World of the adventure Home is gone—there’s no going back now Special World is dangerous, strange, and fantastic
Inigo battles the Dread Pirate Roberts Hero faces tests, finds allies, confronts foes Discovers who can be trusted, tests strength Gains sidekicks, confidence
Strategizing! Hero prepares for big challenge, planning and strategizing Lesser enemies must be defeated Strengthening of friendship/romance as characters prepare to fight
He’s going to die. Or so it seems. Hero engages in central life-or-death crisis Faces greatest fear, confronts most difficult challenge Journey on brink of failure! Casualties.
Spiderman finally gets the girl of his dreams. Hero triumphs!! Earns reward (material or emotional, an object, relationship, honor, etc.)
Kids come back from Narnia, confused. Hero returns to the Ordinary World (difficult) Still some things to take care of here…
Beast turns human. Hero is “reborn,” sometimes literally but usually figuratively. Hero has transformed into a new person. Restored and repaid for sacrifices.
Simba’s return heals the Pridelands Hero heals the wounded world. Journey now has meaning beyond just the hero whole community.