1 Reforms in Science in the Republic of Moldova Reforms in Science in the Republic of Moldova Ion Tighineanu, Vice-President, Academy of Sciences of Moldova
2 Scientific Potential of the Republic of Moldova
3 The Low on Science and Innovation REFORMS IN SCIENCE initiated by the President of the Moldova Republic REFORMS IN SCIENCE initiated by the President of the Moldova Republic The Low is a unique legislative document which regulates relationships in the sphere of science and innovation Ratified by the Parliament on July 15, 2004
4 ACCORDING TO THE CODE The Academy of Sciences becomes the unique public institution of national importance in the field of science and innovation. The Academy of Sciences is authorized with the Governments competence in the field of scientific research. The Academy of Sciences, as a public institution, had concluded a Partnership Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Moldova
5 PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT STIPULATES The level of financial support of science and innovation fields; The level of financial support of science and innovation fields; Strategic priorities concerning the development of science and innovation fields; The infrastructure reorganization in the science and innovation fields.
6 Consolidation of the State of Law and the use of cultural heritage in the perspective of integration into multicultural and multinational Europe. Economic basis of sustainable development and efficient use of humane and natural resources. Biomedicine and human health. Agriculture and industrial biotechnology. Nanotechnologies, new materials and information technologies. Energetic security and efficiency growth of the energetic complex. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR SCIENCE AND INNOVATION FIELDS STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR SCIENCE AND INNOVATION FIELDS
7 Reforms in Science and Innovation in Moldova Optimization of the network of research institutions (38 institutes at present) Accreditation of the research institutions Promotion of new strategies and lows - Strategy of Industrial Development of Moldova - Strategy of the Development of Agriculture - Strategy for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources - Low on Technology Parks and Business Incubators
8 SCIENCE FINANCING IN MOLDOVA (% of GDP) The Low on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova provides for annual growth of science financing The Low on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova provides for annual growth of science financing 0,74
9 Beginning with 2004, Beginning with 2004, after the Law on Science and Innovation was approved, all researches after the Law on Science and Innovation was approved, all researches are funded through competition are funded through competition RESEARCH FUNDING
10 Institutional Projects State Programme Projects Technological Transfer Projects Grants for Equipment Purchasing Grants for Young Scientists THE BUDGET for SCIENCE
11 International Projects Tehnological Transfer Projects Economic Services EXTRABUDGET SCIENCE FINANCING
INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Agreements with Academies of Sciences INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Agreements with Academies of Sciences Academy of Sciences of Poland Academy of Sciences of Poland Academy of Sciences of Hungary Academy of Sciences of Hungary Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgarian Academy of Sciences National Academy of Sciences of Belarus National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Academy of Sciences of Russia Academy of Sciences of Russia Romanian Academy Romanian Academy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Academy of Sciences and Arts of Montenegro Academy of Sciences and Arts of Montenegro Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Romania Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Romania Academy of Agricultura12l Sciences of Ukraine Academy of Agricultura12l Sciences of Ukraine
COLLABORATION WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS COLLABORATION Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFBR) Russian Scientific Humanitarian Foundation (RSHF) INTASINTAS International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) Moldovan Research and Development Association (MRDA) NATO – Science for Peace and Security Committee International Center for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) Center for European Constitutional Law (CECL) Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)
14 Participation in international projects The scientists of the R. Moldova have participated in the following Programs: CRDF + MRDA200 Marie Curie Actions FP (65) World Federation of Scientists (Switzerland) ( ) 60 International Agency for Atomic Energy7 SCOPES (Switzerland)10 INTAS>100 During CRDF (Civilian Research & Development Foundation, USA) has committed about 6.5 million dollars for supporting about 200 projects. Around 2000 scientists have participated in 30 CRDF Programs. Since 1992 INTAS has supported > 100 projects at the total cost of about 2.2 million EURO.
15 ASM / MRDA announced JOINT CALLS for 2008 COOPERATION WITH MRDA/CRDF GRANTS FOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASING 4 projects – USD ( USD / per project) 45% MRDA / 45% ASM / 10% applied institution GRANTS FOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASING 4 projects – USD ( USD / per project) 45% MRDA / 45% ASM / 10% applied institution GRANTS FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS 8 projects – USD (7 500 USD / per project) 2/3 – MRDA / 1/3 – ASM GRANTS FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS 8 projects – USD (7 500 USD / per project) 2/3 – MRDA / 1/3 – ASM
16 SCIENTIFIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT COOPERATION WITH MRDA/CRDF National Center for Materials Study and Testing, TUM Support fromMRDA/CRDF $USD National Center for Materials Study and Testing, TUM Support from MRDA/CRDF – $USD Center of Advanced Biological Technologies, IGPP, ASM Support from MRDA/CRDF $USD Center of Advanced Biological Technologies, IGPP, ASM Support from MRDA/CRDF – $USD Center for Education and Research in Moldova, MSU Support from MRDA/CRDF – $USD Center for Education and Research in Moldova, MSU Support from MRDA/CRDF – $USD Regional Center for Research and Development of Electronic Instruments for Civil Use based on New Materials and Technologies, ELIRI for Civil Use based on New Materials and Technologies, ELIRI Support from MRDA/CRDF – $USD Regional Center for Research and Development of Electronic Instruments for Civil Use based on New Materials and Technologies, ELIRI for Civil Use based on New Materials and Technologies, ELIRI Support from MRDA/CRDF – $USD Central Library and Center for Information Resources and Networks, ASM Support from MRDA/CRDF – $MRDA Central Library and Center for Information Resources and Networks, ASM Support from MRDA/CRDF – $MRDA
17 5 PROJECTS, accepted by STCU COOPERATION WITH STCU Development of random lasers based on porous semiconductor compounds for photonic applications – Euro Development of random lasers based on porous semiconductor compounds for photonic applications – Euro Informational tools for assistance of sonographic examinations – Euro – Euro Informational tools for assistance of sonographic examinations – Euro – Euro 40 projects – presented to STCU for financing