1 1 Testing and Accountability/ RttT LEA Monitoring Update Lou Fabrizio, Federal Liaison Summer Leadership Conference, June 2011
Agenda AYP for ABCs/AYP for Field Testing/Special Studies in Race to the Top LEA/Charter Monitoring 2
AYP for (Updated Slide) New (Higher) Proficiency Targets for AYP Reading: grades 3-8 from 43.2% to 71.6% Math: grades 3-8 from 77.2% to 88.6% Reading: high school from 38.5% to 69.3% Math: high school from 68.4% to 84.2% Preliminary AYP Results Released July 21, 2011 ABCs & AYP Results Approved by State Board of Education August 4,
ABCs/AYP for Fewer EOCs in High School ABCs (Result of HB 48) Possible Elimination of Grade 10 Writing Assessment in Move to ACT at Grade 11? Waiver Request to USED Regarding Effect on AYP at High School Level – Only Retain English I as High School ELA? Looking at Replacing Dropout Rate in ABCs with 5-Year Cohort Graduation Rate USED and ESEA 4
Field Testing/Special Studies in Expansive. Due to New Assessments in ELA, Math and Science in Notifications Will Be Sent Out Soon Appreciate Your Cooperation 5
1.Required by RttT – draft plan approved by USED 2.LEAs/Charters will submit “Progress Report” for school year to NCDPI by August 3, Bottom line: Did you do what you said you were going to do in your state-approved DSW? 4.Results determine which LEAs/Charters will receive follow up (virtual desk-side reviews or on-site monitoring visits by DPI team) 6 Race to the Top LEA/Charter Monitoring
LEA/Charter Monitoring Format 7