SAP Codepage Conversion Check Convert From an EBCDIC to an ASCII Codepage Successfully Service and Support Product Management SAP AG
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 2 SAP Codepage Conversion Check The SAP Codepage Conversion Check supports a successful codepage conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII and any necessary upgrades The SAP Codepage Conversion Check makes sure you have the performance and appropriate system settings you need after the conversion. The SAP Codepage Conversion Check is only applicable for customers with IBM iSeries eServers A codepage conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII is only possible on the following releases: SAP R/3 4.6B, 4.6C SAPMarkets Enterprise Buyer (SAP EBP) 2.0C SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) 2.0B, 2.1C SAP Knowledge Warehouse (SAP KW) 5.2 SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) 2.0C
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 3 Value Proposition – SAP Codepage Conversion Check Prevent problems and their related costs and immediately enjoy the benefits that conversion and upgrade bring to your SAP systems. Profit from this service by: Planning resources beforehand and avoiding costly, unplanned investments Analyzing the configuration of your SAP system and avoiding complications before they impact your business Having an optimized system after conversion Preventing unnecessary, cost-intensive system downtime The underlying concept is to ensure smooth operation of your SAP solution by taking action proactively, before severe technical problems occur.
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 4 Description – SAP Codepage Conversion Check Analyze compatibility for the target release with regards to connected systems in the Solution Landscape, OS version, DB version, installed Add- Ons, Plug-ins, Country Versions. Planning Session Identify potential resource bottlenecks Analysis Session System analysis to check performance with the conversion and the new SAP Release. Runtime comparison of transactions before and after the conversion and upgrade Verfication Session
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 5 SAP Codepage Conversion Check – Prerequisites Convert from an EBCDIC to an ASCII Codepage successfully, including any required SAP release upgrades The prerequisites of the SAP Codepage Conversion Check: SAP strongly recommends an implemented SAP Solution Manager A remote connection from the SAP system targeted for conversion to SAP SAP strongly recommends running SAP EarlyWatch Alert The SAP service engineers need access to your system administrator to answer questions and to open the remote connection to SAP The SAP Codepage Conversion Check only applies to IBM eServers iSeries (formerly AS/400)
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 6 SAP Codepage Conversion Check – 4 Scenarios ScenariosSAP Codepage Conversion Check Sessions 1 and Necessary Steps Performed by Customer 2 1 Upgrade and conversion: From lower than SAP R/3 4.6C EBCDIC To SAP R/3 4.6C ASCII Planning Session Analysis Session Upgrade to SAP R/3 4.6C EBCDIC Conversion to SAP R/3 4.6C ASCII Verification Session 2 Upgrade, conversion and upgrade: From lower than SAP R/3 4.6C EBCDIC To SAP R/3 Enterprise Planning Session Analysis Session Upgrade to SAP R/3 4.6C EBCDIC Conversion to SAP R/3 4.6C ASCII Analysis Session Upgrade to SAP R/3 Enterprise Verification Session 1 The sessions of the SAP Codepage Conversion Check are displayed in bold text. 2 The SAP Codepage conversion check prepares your SAP component for upgrade and conversion. You perform the upgrade and conversion yourself, or order consulting services from SAP or third parties when necessary. The table below is an example for SAP R/3 4.6C, but represents all applicable components.
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 7 SAP Codepage Conversion Check – 4 Scenarios ScenariosSAP Codepage Conversion Check Sessions 1 and Necessary Steps Performed by Customer 2 3 Conversion: From SAP R/3 4.6C EBCDIC To SAP R/3 4.6C ASCII Planning Session Analysis Session Conversion to SAP R/3 4.6C ASCII Verification Session 4 Conversion and Upgrade: From SAP R/3 4.6C EBCDIC To SAP R/3 Enterprise Planning Session Analysis Session Conversion to SAP R/3 4.6C ASCII Upgrade to SAP R/3 Enterprise Verification Session 1 The sessions of the SAP Codepage Conversion Check are displayed in bold text. 2 The SAP Codepage conversion check prepares your SAP component for upgrade and conversion. You perform the upgrade and conversion yourself, or order consulting services from SAP or third parties when necessary.
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 8 Scenario 1: Upgrade + Conversion Transitional Release 1 (EBCDIC) Old Release 2 (EBCDIC) Transitional Release (ASCII) Upgrade Conversion Verification Session Verification Session 1 Releases SAP R/3 4.6B, 4.6C, SAP CRM 2.0C, SAP BW 2.0B, SAP BW 2.1C, SAP KM 5.2, SAP EBP 2.0C 2 Older releases than the releases mentioned above Planning Session Planning Session Analysis Session Analysis Session
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 9 Scenario 2: Upgrade + Conversion + Upgrade Transitional Release 1 (EBCDIC) Planning Session Planning Session Analysis Session Analysis Session Old Release 2 (EBCDIC) Transitional Release 1 (ASCII) Analysis Session Analysis Session New Release 3 (ASCII) Verification Session Verification Session 1 Releases SAP R/3 4.6B, 4.6C, SAP CRM 2.0C, SAP BW 2.0B, SAP BW 2.1C, SAP KM 5.2, SAP EBP 2.0C 2 Older releases than the releases mentioned above 3 Newer releases than the releases mentioned above Upgrade Conversion Upgrade
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 10 Scenario 3: Conversion Transitional Release 1 (EBCDIC) Transitional Release 1 (ASCII) Verification Session Verification Session Planning Session Planning Session Analysis Session Analysis Session 1 Releases SAP R/3 4.6B, 4.6C, SAP CRM 2.0C, SAP BW 2.0B, SAP BW 2.1C, SAP KM 5.2, SAP EBP 2.0C Conversion
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 11 Scenario 4: Conversion + Upgrade Transitional Release 1 (ASCII) Planning Session Planning Session Analysis Session Analysis Session Transitional Release 1 (EBCDIC) New Release 2 (ASCII) Verification Session Verification Session 1 Releases SAP R/3 4.6B, 4.6C, SAP CRM 2.0C, SAP BW 2.0B, SAP BW 2.1C, SAP KM 5.2, SAP EBP 2.0C 2 Newer releases than the releases mentioned above Conversion Upgrade
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 12 Minimizes technical risk and ensures the technical robustness of your SAP solution SAP Safeguarding – A Portfolio of Proactive Checks Implementation SAP GoingLive Check* SAP Safeguarding for Implementation SAP GoingLive Check* SAP Safeguarding for Implementation Operations SAP EarlyWatch Alert* SAP EarlyWatch Check* SAP Solution Management Assessment SAP EarlyWatch Alert* SAP EarlyWatch Check* SAP Solution Management Assessment Upgrade SAP GoingLive Functional Upgrade Check* SAP Upgrade Weekend Support SAP GoingLive Functional Upgrade Check* SAP Upgrade Weekend Support Migration SAP OS/DB Migration Check* SAP Codepage Conversion Check* SAP OS/DB Migration Check* SAP Codepage Conversion Check* *A limited number of remote safeguarding services is part of SAP Standard Support
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 13 Support Programs Discovery & Evaluation Implementation Operations & Continuous Improvement Minimizes technical risk and ensures technical robustness of the solution Safeguarding Empowering Solution Management Optimization Empowers customers with the core competencies needed to operate and maintain SAP-centric solutions Ensures that your SAP solution works to its optimum potential at all times
SAP AG 2002, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 14 More Information
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