Republic of Moldova Nuclear and Radiological Safety Regulatory Infrastructure in Republic of Moldova Ionel Bălan, National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities Nuclear Forensics Target Research Program 8-9 February 2010 Kiev, Ukraine
Legislation Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials. Law No. 111-XVI from On safe deployment of nuclear and radiological activities; Law No. 451-XV from On the regulation by licensing of enterprise activities; Law No XIV from On the export, import, re-export and transit of strategic goods; Law No. 10-XVI on On the State Supervision of the Public Health
Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials. –Government Decree No. 388 from about approving of the Regulation Radioactive waste management; –Government Decree No. 212 from about approving of the Regulation Authorization of nuclear and radiological activities; –Government Decree No from about approving of the Regulation State Control and Supervision of Nuclear and Radiological Activities; –Government Decree No from about approving of the Regulation National Register of the account of ionizing radiations sources and of legal authorized persons or entities;
Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials. – Government Decree No. 328 from about approving of the Regulation, Structure and Staff Limit of the National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities; – Government Decree No. 606 from On the National System of control of export, re-export, import and transit of strategic goods in the Republic of Moldova; – Basic Norms of Radioprotection. Hygienic Rules and Requirements. In force from April, 05, 2001; – Government Decree No. 961 from about approving of the Regulation of National network of laboratory monitoring of radioactive, toxic and biologic pollution of environment.
The Regulatory Body Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Government National Agency for Regulation of Radiological and Nuclear Activities Financing of the National Agency is carried out from the State Budget stipulated by separate article, and also from other sources as grants, the technical assistance, projects of the international cooperation, etc. Issues of all types of authorizations is free-of-charge
The Structure ofNational Agency for Regulation of Radiological and Nuclear Activities The Structure of National Agency for Regulation of Radiological and Nuclear Activities General Director Authorization, Radiological and Nuclear Safety Division Policy in Regulation Department 3 workers Assessment, Authorization, Radiological and Nuclear Safety Department 3 workers of Control and Supervision (Inspectorate) Department 3 workers Staff and Financial - legal service Department 3 workers Total of employees - 14 person
International Agreements and Convention Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident; 1. Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident; 2. Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material; 3. Convention on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency; 4. Convention on nuclear safety; 5. Vienna Convention on civil liability for nuclear damage; 6. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 7.Agreements between the IAEA and republic of Moldova 7. Agreements between the IAEA and republic of Moldova Required in connection with the treaty on the non- Required in connection with the treaty on the non- proliferation of nuclear weapons proliferation of nuclear weapons
Other bodies with attributions in nuclear and radiological activity The central public body in the field of public health;The central public body in the field of public health; The central public law-enforcement body and extreme situations;The central public law-enforcement body and extreme situations; The central public body in area an environment protection;The central public body in area an environment protection; Customs and Border Polices;Customs and Border Polices; Academy of Sciences of MoldovaAcademy of Sciences of Moldova