Auxiliary – Just a reminder, your Unit dues for 2013 are due now! I now have the duties as Unit #240 Membership Chairman. I check the mail at least 3 times a week. Dues are still a nominal $25.00 per year, and $6.00 for Jrs. If you are by trhe Post, just drop it in the Auxiliary box. I will take care of it promptly. Our Unit is having a yard sale Nov 17th, 8:00 am. You can bring donations or you may rent a table. Please contact Shirley Neal or Connie Jones to make arrangements. Mardi Gras has been definitely set for Feb. 9th, 2013, so mark your calendar. More info to follow. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for. Edie Herrington President Unit #240 COMMANDER Mike Holdener ADJUTANT Ron Woolsey ST VICE COMMANDER Ron Woolsey ND VICE COMMANDER Bill Stouffer 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jake Taffaro FINANCE OFFICER John Edens HISTORIAN vacant SERGEANT-AT-ARMS John Sego CHAPLAIN Stu Baker SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn SAL COMMANDER Brian Nichols HOUSE COMMITTEE Hal Eyerly John Frenzel Bill Eastman Marilyn Merkle POST LOUNGE LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Edie Herrington CHAPLAIN Mary Kowalski Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FOR GOD AND COUNTRY NOVEMBER 2012 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice 3 rd Vice Cdr – Keep it coming folks! We had another wonderful turnout and show of response to our October Fish Fry. The devotion of your fish fry crew to provide you with quality food each month is reflected by the continued support you show by the numbers of folks that have been coming out to enjoy a great meal. We thank all of you. Remember: Serving starts at 2:PM and served until food is gone Come Early! For God and Country – Jake Taffaro Commander’s Corner – Welcome to the Holiday season!! November is a time for us to give thanks for the things in our lives, OUR loved ones and all the blessings that the good Lord has provided for us. Let’s not forget the sacrifices OUR service members are giving, those that gave or those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. OUR Post has a lot of experience!!! Let’s not waste it. Take the time to hear what the more senior members have to say. One person cannot do everything and others are willing to help. Thanks to all who made October’s events so memorable. Business: Jimmy Lee Martin has resigned as 1st Vice. Thank you for your service. Ron “Bull” Woolsey was nominated and he accepted. He is currently appointed as interim 1 st Vice and Adjutant. We will vote at the next general meeting on 13 November. I am still looking for a volunteer to be OUR Historian. Speaking of volunteers, I need someone to step up for Veteran’s Day Open House (Pot luck) on the 11th and another to organize Thanksgiving (Dinner for the Troops) on the 22nd. Please volunteer early so these events can shine like we have thus far. Lastly, OUR fall Post Cleanup is 10 November. We have a lot of things we want to accomplish but it will depend on the number of volunteers we get. Come and help keep OUR Post looking beautiful. Lunch will be provided. Please remember to be courteous and considerate of your fellow Comrades, we are ALL on the same team!!! For God and Country Mike Holdener Legion Riders, Our next ALR meeting will be on November 11th at 10:00 please be there. The Wreaths Across America is coming up soon. If you want to buy wreaths the forms are at the Post. The deadline for purchase is the 22nd of November. The escort will be from Harley Davidson on Hwy 29 on the 15th of December, will put out times later. Don’t forget the Veterans Day Parade on the 12th of November. Parade will start at 9:00. We were able to send a check to the Wall South restoration Fund for $ from our last fun run. Don’t forget to renew your Post and Rider dues for For God and Country Richard Raborn Dir Bingo : Bingo is going well. Will be giving at least $3000 to the Post next general meeting. November 21 (day before Thanksgiving) we will still have Bingo. To show our gratitude for those players who have been supporting us, we will be holding two $100 blackouts instead of playing warm ups. Additionally, we will be drawing for three $25 gift cards. Still need callers and volunteers!!! For God and Country – Mike Holdener 1 st Vice Cdr – Thanks to 67% of you who have paid your dues up to now. We welcome Dwayne Vinnet, John Sparren & George Smith as new members and John Kranak, Anthony Crisostomi & Ted Maki as transfer members to our Post. We need for the rest of you to pay your dues so we can attain our 100% (968 members) Membership. Just come into the Post and put your money for 2013 into the Adjutant/Membership box. We are trying to get our Post at 100% well before the March 2013 goal date. Just think if only half of our current membership brought in one new member we would hit our 100% goal with ease. I have resigned my position as your 1 st Vice Cdr and Ron “Bull” Woolsey will take over as 1 st Vice and Adjutant. I signed on to help the new Commander with the transition and now it’s time I took some time off. I have held a position with the American Legion in one office or another since The Commander has a good team to help him, so please continue to support them all. I will still be around. Thanks for allowing me to serve you. Please support your Post and Lounge. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin SAL - Thank you for all the support at the Oktoberfest event to our many members. A special thank you to Hayden for helping the SAL with the booth’s. The SAL would like to thank the local businesses for their donations...Outcast Bait and Tackle, Perdido Liquors, Cactus Flower & Shrimp Basket. For God and Country Brian Nichols Cdr