Week 1: Content Changes in definition of psychology Current perspectives Subfields of psychology Four big ideas
Week 1: Learning Outcomes After this lesson, you should be able to: define psychology (CLO 2) discuss how psychology’s focus has changed over time (CLO 1) describe psychology’s current perspectives (CLO 1) identify four big ideas that run throughout psychology (CLO 2) explain how psychological principles can help students learn and remember (CLOs 2, 4) brainstorm how psychology is/could be relevant in the local context (CLOs 2, 4)
Changes in Definition of Psychology I Early definitions until 1920s Psychology = science of mental life Wundt – 1979 establishment of 1 st psychology laboratory Watson, Skinner: Behaviorism: 1920s-1960s Psychology = objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes Freud: Psychodynamic Psychology Psychology = emphasis on unconscious thought processes and emotional responses to childhood experiences
Changes in Definition of Psychology II Rogers, Maslow: Humanistic Psychology: Psychology = emphasis on growth potential of healthy people Cognitive Psychology: Psychology = scientific exploration of how information is perceived, processed and remembered Cognitive Neuroscience: Psychology = scientific exploration of brain activity underlying mental activity
Current Definition of Psychology Psychology = science of behavior and mental processes
Psychology as Science
Current Perspectives Neuroscience Evolutionary Behavior genetics Psychodynamic Behavioral Cognitive Social-cultural Humanistic
Subfields of Psychology Biological (Week 3) Developmental (4) Clinical (13, 14) Counseling (10, 14) School (4, 6, 7, 8) Educational (4, 6, 7, 8) Personality (11) Social (12) Environmental (10) Cognitive (5, 6, 7, 8) Industrial (10, 11) Organizational (10, 11) Consumer (6, 12) Health (10, 14) Sport (10, 14) Forensic (7) Human factors (5)
Human Factors Psychology
Human Factors Psychology
Four Big Ideas Critical thinking Bio-psycho-social approach Two-track mind Human strengths
Critical Thinking How do we know that? Who benefits from this? Is the conclusion based on guesswork and gut feelings, or on evidence? How do we know one event caused the other? How else could we explain things?
Biopsychosocial Approach
Two-Track Mind – Dual Processing
Human Strengths Positive psychology: Positive emotions Positive character traits Positive institutions
Homework for Week 2 Read from Chapter 1 the following sections BEFORE class: 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-11 1-12 1-13 Complete Worksheet 1 BEFORE class Complete Quiz 1 on modules 1 and 2 at the beginning of class
One Minute Paper Please describe briefly (1-2 sentences each): 1. Which one of today’s topics do you find most interesting? 2. Which topic is most unclear after today’s class? (If nothing is unclear, state that)