Give thanks to G OD for all his goodness : “ His love forever is the same.” Give thanks to G OD, O holy nation : “ His love forever is the same.” Give.


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Presentation transcript:

Give thanks to G OD for all his goodness : “ His love forever is the same.” Give thanks to G OD, O holy nation : “ His love forever is the same.” Give thanks to G OD, O holy priesthood : “ His love forever is the same.” Give thanks to G OD, all those who fear him : “ His love forever is the same.” [Sing to the Lord 118b]

2. Brought low, I cried to G OD ; he heard me. He answered me and set me free. The L ORD with me, no one can hurt me. He is my strength, my victo ry. Put not your confi dence in princes. When enemies a gainst me came, G OD ’s strength provided my sal vation : “ His love forever is the same.”

3. Hark ! righteous and victorious singing : “ The L ORD ’s right hand does valiantly.” For life restored my praises bringing : “ The L ORD ’s right hand does valiant ly.” When gates of righteous ness stand open, I enter and I praise G OD ’s name. This is G OD ’s gate; the righteous enter. “ His love forever is the same.”

4. The stone the builders had re jected is now the foremost cornerstone. The L ORD has done it, we have seen it – his ways confound what we had known. This is the day of days: G OD made it ! And we are glad, we praise his name : “ Save us and let us know your blessing. Your love forever is the same.”

5. Our voices join in glad con fession : “ G OD ’s love forever is the same.” Most blest is he in our pro cession who comes triumphant in G OD ’s name. Let branches mark the way be fore him, and at the altar hail his fame. “ You are my God and I will praise you : Your love forever is the same !” Sing to the Lord 118b Reformed Church of __________ CCLI License # _____ Projection permitted with CCLI licence (# ) Text: Stanley Wiersma, 1982, © Faith Alive Christian Resources, 1987 Tune: Genevan Psalter, 1551