Windows Programming Parallel Coordinates Adithya Addanki(aa207) Instructor: Dr. Yingcai Xiao
To know – What – Why Implementation Details Technical Challenges Demo Limitations Applications Extensions 2 Agenda
What and Why Most of the real world data typically has >=3 dimensions Curse of Dimensionality Understanding data of more than 3 dimensions Reduction techniques might be applied Backdrop of these might be the user want to still analyze the data based on original attributes instead of transformed or reduced attributes. Visualization Visualizing dimensions >3 is not perceivable by human eye. Parallel Coordinates Philbert Maurice D’Ocagne in 1885 Representing multiple dimensions with the help of parallel axes. Samples in data set are represented as poly lines spanning the axes. 3
Example 4
Implementation Details WPF – UI Code Behind- Application Logic – C# 7 Challenges Representing heterogeneous data types Scaling the range of values to fit to fixed axes Demo
Limitations Each axis can only be compared with two other axes at once; – One to the left another to the right More range of values in each attribute might cause confusion to the user. Use with caution with regards to categorical data. ASCII based text characters only[character sets and digits] Rearrangement of attributes | axes order might be required to view patterns – Good arrangement of axes could be dealt using heuristics. 8
Extensions & Applications Brushing- A provision to analyze the parallel coordinate plot where clusters are formed. Parallel Coordinates Applications – Data Mining – Traffic Control – Process Control – Computer Vision 9
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