Resource Mobilization Capacity Building OEWG – SIDE EVENT 7 April, 2006
Presentation –Overview of Resource Mobilization programme and activities
Resource Mobilization Why? Current budget lacks sufficient resources to implement decisions of the Parties and the for the Strategic Plan of the Convention Awareness about the Convention or its benefits is not always evident nationally, regionally or internationally Expertise in mobilizing resources can be challenging as many parties are located in Environment (technical) Ministries and it may not be their area of expertise
Resource Mobilization Key Objectives: To enhance: Financial Resources for Projects and Activities Human Resources Technical Resources Raise awareness with financial institutions and Aid agencies, civil society and others Assist Parties build capacities to mobilize resources for projects and activities for implementing the Convention
Resource Mobilization Current programme is to consider all financing mechanisms possible as an overall strategy Identify technical resources that can be transferred, primarily through the partnership programme Tap human resources and expertise worldwide through partnerships and other programmes Build capacities, for example, by providing training and assistance to Regional and Coordinating Centers on resource mobilization, access to funding, procedures, etc.
Resource Mobilization Create tools to ameliorate fundraising actions at regional and national level, e.g. organising a package of projects, leaflets and brochures about activities and the Convention Identify linkages and tools to enhance access to Official Development Aid and other multi-lateral financing Create a web network of funding sources (ameliorate the current resource mobilization web site on the Basel Web site)
Raising Awareness Raise awareness about the Convention and how it fits in the overall development agenda Raise awareness with policy makers and the public on hazardous waste and their impacts on human health and the environment Improving the understanding of the linkages between hazardous and other wastes and socio-economic development, urbanization, etc., as a base for better integration of ESM as a way to meet MDGs and other international goals and agreements
Regional Centres Play an important role in resource mobilization Important focal point of information in the Region Established as mechanisms to facilitate and sustain the implementation of the Basel Convention Important component of the resource mobilization strategy
Africa and West Asia 1 Basel Convention Regional Centre for the Arab States in Egypt 2 Basel Convention Regional Co-ordinating Centre in Nigeria 3 Basel Convention Regional Centre in Senegal 4 Basel Convention Regional Centre in South Africa 5 Basel Convention Regional Centre in Tehran Asia and Pacific Region 6 Basel Convention Regional Centre in China 7 Basel Convention Regional Centre in Indonesia 8 Pacific Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Joint Implementation of the Basel and Waigani Conventions in the South Pacific region Central and Eastern Europe 9 Basel Convention Regional Centre in the Russian Federation 10 Basel Convention Regional Centre in Slovakia Latin America and the Caribbean 11 Basel Convention Regional Centre in Argentina 12 Basel Convention Regional Centre in El Salvador 13 Basel Convention Regional Centre in Trinidad and Tobago 14 Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Latin America and Caribbean region in Uruguay BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRES