Project Overview Ron Strykowsky Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory NSTX Upgrade Project Office of Science Review LSB B318 February 4th, 2014 NSTX-U Supported by Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Inst for Nucl Res, Kiev Ioffe Inst TRINITI Chonbuk Natl U NFRI KAIST POSTECH Seoul Natl U ASIPP CIEMAT FOM Inst DIFFER ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep Coll of Wm & Mary Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Lehigh U Nova Photonics Old Dominion ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U Tennessee U Tulsa U Washington U Wisconsin X Science LLC
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Agenda
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Contents Progress; –Continued good Technical progress to date Performance metrics, Cost, Schedule, Budget, Risks; –On cost and schedule Charge Questions; –Responsive and complete.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Good progress on NB, Construction and DCPS since the last review Neutral Beam DI piping contract completed and tested. Neutral Beam cabling contract completed. Neutral Beam Armor being installed VV feet installation complete. PF 4/5 support installation complete (exc bay B & L) Torquing of the upper outer TF support weldments to their final torque levels has been completed The installation of the MPTS vacuum interfaces has been completed and they have passed leak check Casing relocated to NSTX high bay for completion of stud installation. Diagnostics incl racks and cabling re-installation underway New milling machine purchased and installed at D-site to facilitate fit- ups and installation of hardware. DCPS; Autotester software ready, MSDplus server funtional, realtime logging tested. On target for May 2014 completion and support of FCPC testing.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Good progress on the centerstack since the last review Aqua pour process underway COMPLETE OH Winding station and taping systems commissioned OH winding to begin in UNDERWAY. 1st of 4 layers wound. Final assembly and delivery to the NSTX Test Cell in JUNE 2014 PFC Tiles machined. PFC Magnetic diagnostics being installed. CS pedestal delivered and ready for installation. Inner TF lead extension awarded. PF1b coil delivered. Bus bar design completed with fabrication underway
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Cost –CPI = 0.98 (n/c) Schedule –SPI = 0.94 (0.97 last review ) (as measured against Sept 2014 early finish) –Total float = 10 1/2 months to late finish CD-4 (n/c) Completion –Forecast= November, 2014 (n/c) –CD-4 DOE Milestone (Late Finish)= September 2015 BAC =$86.8 EAC= $89.3 TPC =94.3M –Last Review; BAC =$85.0 EAC= $87.6 Cost to date = $71.2 M 80% complete (through December) –Last Review ; Cost to date = $63.4 M 72% complete (through August) Free balance contingency 33%-28% – Last Review; Free balance contingency 30%-28% Free balance = $5.7M - $5.1M Outstanding Risk (rev 24 ) = $3.3M –Last Review = $3.8M (rev 22) Good Performance Maintained
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th CD-4 SEPT Forecast November 2014 CD-3 Dec 2011 Schedule on track for early finish Critical path continues to be the centerstack fabrication and installation Keys to meeting schedule Vendor vetting and oversight Timely receipt inspection Overtime Multiple shifts Scheduling workshops Improve efficiency through anticipation Collaborations with NML (report available) 10 1/2 months float remain Critical path continues to be the centerstack fabrication and installation Keys to meeting schedule Vendor vetting and oversight Timely receipt inspection Overtime Multiple shifts Scheduling workshops Improve efficiency through anticipation Collaborations with NML (report available) 10 1/2 months float remain Deliver CS to Test Cell JUNE 2014
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th NSTX Upgrade – Milestones on track
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Detail Schedule Analysis - Startup of OH winding Commissioning of winding station took 14 weeks longer than planned. While it was not on the critical path it soon became critical and delayed the start of winding by approx 26 work days (approx 5.2 weeks) Since the start of winding, tasks have progressed as planned. (22 days planned vs 21 days actual )
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Utilized more 2 shift ops reducing schedule by 10 work days Detail Schedule Analysis – VPI & post VPI tasks
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Utilized 2 shift ops reducing schedule by 14 work days Detail Schedule Analysis – Installation and CD-4
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Labor on track Some leveling of field construction task required On site electrical subcontractors to augment PPPL staff Some leveling of field construction task required On site electrical subcontractors to augment PPPL staff
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Risks 13 Retirement Date OH/TF VPI $1,400k April 2014 (cost of rebuilding twice) Inner TF bundle fab$325k Oct 2013 Serious injury stand-down$188k CD-4 Late vendor delivery on critical path $250k April 2014 I&C add’l capacity $300k June 2014 Diagnostic re-installation $294k April 2014 Hardware fit up issues $347 $477k Sept 2014 Mgmt direct allocations $216k April 2014 Critical skill lost $188k Sept 2014 Other $105k $155k June 2014 Total open $3,288k $3,793 k Risk Events ~$505K net risk retired since last review
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th “What-if scenarios” bound the cost & schedule risk 14
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Charge question #1 1.Critical Path Construction Efforts: a)Does the Project team have a realistic, executable schedule for Center Stack (CS) remaining construction efforts? b)Does the project have adequate resources and the appropriate skills mix to execute the remainder of the project per the plan? After initial startup issues with the OH winder, tasks have been progressing on schedule. Utilization of additional 2 shift operations have prevented schedule slip. Use of Saturdays still available to advance schedule and/or buffer against future delays. Overall the current staff levels on-board are adequate to execute the project schedule. Additional electrical labor will be augmented by our on-site BOA. Critical skills (i.e. welders, crane operators, machinists) work priorities managed via the Work Control Center (daily morning meetings.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Charge question #2 2. Baseline Cost and Schedule: a)Are the current project cost and schedule projections consistent with the approved baseline cost and schedule? b)Is the contingency remaining adequate for the risks that remain? The project is 10 1/2 months ahead of our CD-4 milestone. Reasonable contingency remains to complete the project. This conclusion is based monthly updates of our EAC’s as well as several schedule/cost “what-if” exercises. $505K net reduction in risks identified. Project schedule contingency is 10 1/2 months, cost contingency range is 33%-28% (ref 26.6% baselined at CD-2 ) The project is 80% complete compared to 72% at the last review.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Charge question #3 3. Management: Evaluate the management structure as to its adequacy to deliver the scope within budget and schedule. a)Are risks being actively managed? b)Has the project responded satisfactorily to the recommendations from the previous project reviews? The key management personnel required to deliver the baseline are still in place within the project organization. This includes DOE Federal Project Director and senior laboratory leadership. The project has reacted effectively to resolve technical issues that have arisen. Communication amongst the project team, senior PPPL management and DOE has provided transparency into all aspects of the project. Project risk identified in our updated risk registry. Mitigation plans being implemented (e.g. coordination meetings, procedures, training, mockups, R&D, trials). Previous review recommendations reconciled - see next slide
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Charge question #3 continued 3-b. Previous review recommendations: 1.Identify lower risk CS tasks that can be performed by additional personnel or off-shift to gain schedule contingency. Continually being evaluated i.e., Casing moved to D-site to facilitate field crews support. 2.Generate an interim milestone for DCPS for earlier commissioning of a reduced scope system able to support all system testing and initial machine operation. Simple over-current calculations developed. Interim milestones being tracked toward a May 2014 completion date. 3.Include schedule contingency impacts in the ECP forms for the future ECPs. Implemented in the ECP log for impacts to the critical path. 4.The EAC calculation should include items and activities that are likely to occur. Concur and included
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Charge question #3 continued 3-b. Previous review recommendations: 5.Ensure risk register is updated and maintained Concur and updated twice since the last review. Changes are color coded. 6.Evaluate a broader range of likely project outcomes to better understand and communicate with DOE the limits of cost and schedule contingencies to ensure project success by November 1, Completed and transmitted to DOE October Updated January (ref slide 14) 7. Work with the Site Office and program develop a focused “end game plan” to monitor and communicate critical project activities to better ensure project success by November 1, Detail critical path schedule updated, track, and posted weekly (ref slides 9-11) Weekly “rollover” meetings review all tasks for CD-4 and start-up. 8. Action Item; Site Office to schedule a status review in mid-January Completed February 4 th, 2014
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – February 4 th Summary Project personnel have maintained a safe working environment. The project continues to make good technical progress. The project is on schedule and cost with adequate contingency to finish. The project is sufficiently staffed to meet schedule. The project is on track for meeting CD-2 baseline within OFES budgetary guidance.