Shipping Hazardous Waste By BANI, BELA, BILS, YPSA Members of the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking
Exporting Harm It makes economic sense to transfer dirty industries to developing countries
Existing Situation in South Asia Alang Hazardous Waste Rules under Environmental Protection Act Accident Rate:2/1000 workers as per govt. statistics 16 % of workers exposed to asbestos as per govt. statistics Prior decontamination in the country of export as per Supreme Court order (2003/2007) Send back clause as per Supreme Court order Chittagong Environment Conservation Act & Rules Between , 32 deaths as per shipbreakers admission No information available on asbestos exposure Pre-cleaning prior to transboundary movement as per MoEF and the first draft of the MoS policy Ships have been denied entry
Pre-cleaning position in South Asia At the international Level, India should participate in international meetings on ship breaking at the Level of the International Maritime Organization and the Basel Convention's Technical Working Group with a clear mandate for the decontamination of ships of their hazardous oil, gas, asbestos and PCBs prior to exports to India for breaking. (Para 8.subpara 16, Supreme Court order 6 September, 2007) Pre-cleaning prior to transboundary movement as per Bangladesh Ministry of Environment of Forests
Bangladesh Policy Process Lack of consultation and coordination MOEF and MOLE sidelined Industry driven Workers voice ignored