An Executive Summary of US ATLAS workshop on Beyond The Standard Model Physics Time & Place: Thursday 3/30 +Friday 4/1, Columbia University Topics: Beyond.


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Presentation transcript:

An Executive Summary of US ATLAS workshop on Beyond The Standard Model Physics Time & Place: Thursday 3/30 +Friday 4/1, Columbia University Topics: Beyond The Standard Model in ATLAS = “Exotics” + SUSY Participants: About 30 people from: Michigan State, Hampton, BNL, LBNL, Columbia, Harvard, Iowa State, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Southern Methodist, Texas at Arlington, Boston Format: Plenary talks on Thursday, split into SUSY + exotics groups on Friday. Plenary conclusions & summary at the end. Agenda:

Selected Highlights (related to SUSY) (we could go through some of the talks below in future meetings) Monte Carlo production for Rome, Ian Hinchliffe: Big success. Events generated and simulated. Reconstruction on GRID in progress. Reconstructed SUSY event samples becoming available! es es SUSY plot package available (talk by Davide Costanzo). Use this to get started with SUSY analysis: See talk + susyplot-webpage: SUSY overview, Frank Paige: ies ies Discovering the Standard model, J. Huston: Friday’s SUSY session: Talks on different mSUGRA points. US activity on two of these mSUGRA points: –Coannihilation Point SU1 ( transparencies ) Davide Costanzotransparencies (also see plenary talk: –Bulk Point SU3 ( more information ) Nurcan Ozturkmore information

Conclusions/Discussions/Plans that came out of Columbia Workshop: –Plenty of work to do in SUSY. The atmosphere is very welcoming. The tools are there, ATLAS wide and here at LBL. MC events are available. Now is an excellent time to get involved! –US will continue focus on two mSUGRA points for Rome. –The US atlas group will create a MC “background cocktail”; i.e. an event skim of non-SUSY event types that are background to SUSY analyses. Cuts will be loose enough to be applicable to the various SUSY points under study. (Ian, Davide, Frank Paige) –There was plenty of discussion, but no agreement on the extent of organization needed for US ATLAS physics work –The US ATLAS exotics group agreed on bi-weekly meetings (nothing comparable for US SUSY) –(Room for global generic search tools?) Local (LBL / Personal) SUSY plans: –For Rome: Study one of the mSUGRA points (Bulk point?), repeat + extend some of the DC1 analysis. Study tools needed for SUSY (btagging, lepton ID, missing energy, etc). Monte Carlo Events and ATLAS software available on PDSF. –Anyone interrested here at LBL is encouraged to join! Hopefullt students encouraged can join by the summer, earlier if they have time –Longer term (post Rome): (quote from TDR) Extended SUSY study across and possibly outside mSUGRA parameter space Study of backgrounds and strategies for getting a handle on them when the detector turns on Final remarks