Planning Alignment Joseph A. Alutto Executive Vice President and Provost
Planning Alignment Performance Assessments of Dean Overall Planning Processes and Cycle University Academic Plan President Gee’s 6 Strategic Goals for the University Board of Trustees Planning College Strategic Multi-Year Plans Department/Program Strategic Plans Assessments of Unit Progress Multi-Year Program Reviews (e.g., Doctoral Program Assessments) Assessments of College Progress Performance Assessments of Unit Leader
Planning Alignment Academic and Student Affairs Committee Topics Student Housing: Promoting the Academic Experience Doctoral Program Reviews University Centers International Programs Ohio Innovation Partnership Update: STEM Funding Strategic Planning: What We Are Learning 3
Planning Alignment Performance Assessments of Dean Overall Planning Processes and Cycle University Academic Plan President Gee’s 6 Strategic Goals for the University Board of Trustees Planning College Strategic Multi-Year Plans Department/Program Strategic Plans Assessments of Unit Progress Multi-Year Program Reviews (e.g., Doctoral Program Assessments) Assessments of College Progress Performance Assessments of Unit Leader
Planning Alignment Strategic Planning Components Academic Plan President’s 6 Strategic Goals 5 Programs/ Strategic Initiatives Facilities Plan Financial Plan Technology Plan Development Plan Talent Plan
Planning Alignment Intent: For academic units, create a data-driven process in which decisions are made based on… University goals aligned with Board of Trustees goals aligned with College goals aligned with Department/program goals aligned with Annual college/department/program leadership assessments driven by explicit metrics 6
Planning Alignment Intent: For support service units, create a data-driven process in which decisions are made based on… University goals aligned with Board of Trustees goals aligned with Support service goals aligned with College/department goals aligned with Annual unit leadership assessments driven by explicit metrics for service units 7
Planning Alignment Cross-Function Planning and Implementation Integration Occurs Through… 1. Weekly meetings of Integrated Financial Planning Committee Integrated Financial Planning Committee: Chaired by provost; includes vice presidents for business and finance and health sciences 2. Bi-weekly meetings of Executive Committee Executive Committee: Chaired by president; includes provost, vice presidents for development, business and finance, health sciences, legal affairs, university relations; s secretary to the Board of Trustees (ex officio) 3. Weekly meetings of Senior Management Council Senior Management Council: Chaired by provost; includes all vice presidents; secretary to the Board of Trustees (ex officio) 8
Planning Alignment Planning and Implementation (continued) 4. Monthly meetings of President’s Council President’s Council: Chaired by president; includes all vice presidents, executive deans, Faculty Senate representative; director of athletics, CIO, and secretary to the Board of Trustees (ex officio) 5. Monthly meeting of the Council of Deans Council of Deans: Chaired by provost; includes all deans and vice president for business and finance 6. Periodic meetings of cluster deans Cluster deans: Includes the executive deans of the three college clusters (arts and sciences colleges, professional colleges, and health sciences colleges) and the executive dean of the regional campuses 9
Planning Alignment Planning and Implementation (continued) 7. Periodic meetings of department chairs 8. Continual, consistent reviews by OAA of unit and leadership performance 9. Periodic meetings of Faculty Council Faculty Council: Comprised of the 70 faculty members of the University Senate, representing faculty of the 18 colleges, the University Libraries, the military sciences, and the four regional campuses 10. Periodic meetings of the University Senate University Senate: Comprised of the Faculty Council, 26 representatives of the university administration, and 41 student representatives 10