Convention Background Purpose- Revise the Articles of Confederation Meetings closed to Public Began May 1787 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia. 12 out of 13 states (RI did not participate) 55 Total Delegates
Key People George Washington- President of the Convention James Madison- Author of key parts of the constitution “Father of the Constitution” Alexander Hamilton- Voice of James Madison Roger Sherman – Great Compromiser
PLANS ON GOV’T STRUCTURE VIRGINA PLAN : James Madison 2 House legislature Upper House- Based on Pop/Selected by state legislatures Lower House- Based upon Pop/elected by people. Executive- 1 Executive and vice president selected by states. Judicial- One Sup. Court+ Smaller courts as needed
PLANS FOR GOV’T STRUCTURE NEW JERSEY PLAN: William Patterson One House legislature- 1 vote/state Executive – executive council of 3 members Judicial- Tribunal of three Justices
CONNECTICUT COMPROMISE --Roger Sherman Two house legislature Senate (upper) – 2 per state. Selected by state legislature’s House (lower) based on population- Elected by people Executive- 1 President/1 vice president Judicial- One Sup court + lower courts.
3/5 Compromise Debate between Southern Slave States and Northern Free States. Compromise: 3 out of 5 slaves would count.
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End of Convention Convention was ended with ¾ majority vote and the signatures of all delegates that agreed with the constitution. Signed on September 17, 1787 Ratification of Constitution now needed.
RATIFICATION To become new gov’t ¾ of states had to agree. Two groups emerged to speak for and against the constitution. The Federalists – supported constitution. The Anti-Federalists- Against constitution
FEDERALISTS Most notable was a set of papers published called the Federalist Papers. Written by a group of three people- -John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison 85 articles were written, each one explaining why the constitution was the best way for the US to be governed.
Anti-Federalists. Group of people who were against the federalists. Wrote a few responses to the Federalist Papers called the Anti Federalist Papers. In the end the work of Madison held the most persuasive arguments. Main goal was a Bill of Rights
Ratification Constitution ratified as our government in First state to ratify constitution? Delaware PA was second Last state – Rhode Island Bill of Rights added in 1791.