“All I really need to know about Management, I learned from...”
Bryan Bedford CEO of Frontier Airlines
Sue Aircraft Appearance Coordinator
Sue Valerie “Cross-Utilization” Agent
Sue Valerie Hector Lavatory Services
Sue Valerie HectorTui Flight Attendant
All we really need to know about management we learned from Undercover Boss: 1. Attitudes 2. Motivation 3. Stress 4. Job Design 5. Leadership
A Attitudes: Cognitive and affective evaluation that predisposes a person to act in a certain way Cognitive Beliefs and opinions Affective Feelings Enjoy vs. hating the job Behavioural Intention to behave acted out
Attitudes Video Clip #1
Sue: Aircraft Appearance Coordinator Cognitive: did not allow personal hardship (son’s demise) affect her work Affective: Enjoys and takes pride in her job Behavioural: Enthusiastic and energetic at work
Attitudes Video Clip #2
Hector: Lavatory Services Cognitive: Positive thinking despite unglamorous role Affective: Passionate about his job, “seize the day” Behavioural: Professional work ethics, role model
Motivation: What causes a person to initiate action, choose a particular course of action, and to persist in that action. Expectancy & Equity Theory
Motivation: What causes a person to initiate action, choose a particular course of action, and to persist in that action. Expectancy & Equity Theory Path-Goal Theory
Motivation: What causes a person to initiate action, choose a particular course of action, and to persist in that action. Expectancy & Equity Theory Path-Goal Theory Intrinsic & Extrinsic Rewards
Expectancy Theory An individual’s expectations about their own ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards. E P O Equity Theory Pursuing equity or rewards one expect from their performance Perception of fairness in comparison to others
Motivation Video Clip #1
Path-Goal Theory Leader’s responsibility to increase the subordinate’s motivation to attain personal and organizational goals through either: (1)Clarifying path to rewards or (2) Increasing rewards subordinates desire
Intrinsic Rewards Satisfaction received in the process of performing an action Extrinsic Rewards A reward given by another person Personalized Reinforcement
Motivation Video Clip #2
Slogan: a phrase or sentence that succinctly expresses a key corporate value. companies use a slogan to convey special meaning to employees a well designed slogan can enhance employee motivation and organizational performance Frontier Airlines’ Slogan: “A Whole Different Animal” The airline for “people who hate airlines”
Slogan Video Clip: Quizzing Tui to see if he knows and understands it
Results: Bryan (CEO) is impressed Appoints Tui the Chairman of Frontier’s Branding Committee
Job Enlargement A job that combines a series of tasks into one new broader job to give employees variety and challenge Smaller airports rely heavily on Job Enlargement
Front Desk Representative Aircraft Marshalling Baggage Handler and Equipment Driver Air Hose Technician “Cross Utilization Agent” All completed within 25 minutes
Stress/Cross Utilization Clip:
What Frontier learns: Efficient Saves money BUT, Agents are not presentable Does not create the best image for the company Fixing the Situation: CEO meets with head executives to devise better solutions
Stress An individual’s physiological and emotional response to stimuli that place physical or psychological demands on an individual and create uncertainty and a lack of personal control when important outcomes are at stake
Front Desk Representative Aircraft Marshalling Baggage Handler and Equipment Driver Air Hose Technician “Cross Utilization Agent” 4 Different Jobs
Stressors Produce Frustration Anxiety
Extremely competitive Impatient Aggressive Devoted to work Type A Relaxed & balanced lifestyle Less conflict Type B
Stress and Performance Performance Stress Low High Eustress
Job Stressors Task Demands Physical Demands Role Demands Interpersonal Demands
Stress Management Health – Leisure Exercises Balanced Life – Emotions, Relationships Taking Regular Breaks/Vacations IndividualNew Workplace Responses
Management “Doing things right” Efficiency Leadership “Doing the right things” Effectiveness Characteristics of a Leader: People person Desire to excel Conscious of goals High EQ Self confidence Enthusiastic
“Doing the right things” Bryan goes undercover in order to see if they are, in fact, doing the right things Consistently asking if organizational activities are: Efficient Delivering Customer Satisfaction Sustainable Effective
Consideration: 11,000 employees Senior management team Attitudes and sacrifices of employees Behavioural Approach Clarifies subordinates role and tasks Structure in place Adequate rewards provided Considerate Transactional Leader
Where should a manager fit on the Leadership Grid?
(9,9) Team Manager “Common stake” in the organization Balance needs of his employees with the needs of the organization
Leadership Video Clip
What Bryan (CEO) has shown us: His personal traits sets him apart from everyone else He considers the organization as well as those affected by it He strives to do the right thing in every situation
All we really need to know about management we learned from Undercover Boss: 1. Attitudes 2. Motivation 3. Stress 4. Job Design 5. Leadership
Poop battlefield Video Clip