1 Vocabulary 1. Thumb through something 快 速略讀 2.translation 翻譯 3.crutch 拐杖 ; 支持物 4.script 劇本 5. Pause 中止 6.tense 時態.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary 1. Thumb through something 快 速略讀 2.translation 翻譯 3.crutch 拐杖 ; 支持物 4.script 劇本 5. Pause 中止 6.tense 時態

2 7.potential 潛力 8.objective 目標 9.take in 仔細地看 10.scan 掃視 11. Content 內容 12. Focus 集中 13. Text 課文

3 14. Main idea 主旨 15. Phrase 片語 16. Fix in one’s mind 銘記在心 17. Discussion 討論 18. Stretch 伸長 19. Improve 改善 20. Pronunciation 發音

4 21. Compare 比較 22. The button 按鈕 23. Summarize 總結 摘要 24. Orally 口頭上地 25. Gist 主旨 26. Grammar 文法

5 27. paragraph 段落 28. Sentence 句子 29. Experiment 實驗 30. Goal 目標 31. Frustrate 挫折 32. Discourage 沮喪

6 So, your copy of Studio Classroom has just arrived. You’ve thumbed through it, taken in the pictures, scanned the contents and the translations. Now what? How do you get the most out of your time and magazine?

7 (1) So, your copy of Studio Classroom has just arrived. You‘ve thumbed through( 快速略讀 ) it, taken in( 仔細地看 ) the pictures, scanned( 掃視 ) the contents( 內容 ) and the translations( 翻譯 ). Now what? How do you get the most out of your time( 利用時間 ) and magazine?

8 (2) First of all, prepare( 準備 ) before each lesson. That will help focus your mind ( 集中思緒 ). Read the text and look for main ideas( 主 旨 ). Think of some questions that the teachers will probably answer. Look at the new words. If they‘re not listed in Word Bank( 字庫 ), guess at their meanings.

9 (3)During the teaching program, read along silently. Both seeing and hearing words and phrases fixes them in your mind( 銘記在心 ). But don‘t use the text as a crutch( 拐杖 ; 支持物 )--you can’t use a script (劇(劇 本 )to talk to people! Try this: Follow along with the reading.

10 During the discussion, look at the magazine only when new words come up. The rest of the time, just try to listen. This will stretch( 伸長 ; 擴大 ) your listening skills and your memory.

11 (4) If at all possible, record the program. That way, you can improve ( 改善 )your speaking and writing, too. To practice pronunciation 發音 ), record yourself reading the text, and compare (比(比 較 )your pronunciation with the teachers'.

12 (5) As you listen to the recording, when the teacher asks a question, push the pause button. Answer the question yourself.

13 (6) Summarize( 總結 ), both orally and in writing, the gist( 主旨 ) of the lesson.

14 (7) Practice grammar by changing paragraphs( 段 落 )or sentences. You can change the tense( 時 態 ), for example, or you can change sentences to questions.

15 (8) These are just a few ways to use Studio Classroom to its fullest potential( 發揮最大潛力 ). Experiment( 實驗 ), and find what works best for you. Remember, your objective( 目標 ) is not to learn every word or phrase in Studio Classroom. Your goal( 目標 ) is to learn English.

16 (9) One last word: Enjoy yourself! Learning anything is work, of course, but pushing yourself too hard is a sure way to become frustrated( 挫折 ) and discouraged( 沮 喪 ). Look at how far you‘ve already come. After all( 畢竟 ), you can read this, can't you?

17 How do you get the most of your time and magazine?

18 1. First of all, prepare before each lesson.

19 2. During the teaching program, read along silently.

20 3. If at all possible, record the program

21 4. When the teacher asks a question, push the pause button. Answer the question yourself.

22 5. Summarize, both orally and in writing, the gist of the lesson.

23 6. Practice grammar by changing paragraphs or sentences. You can change the tense, for example, or you can change sentences to questions.

24 7. Remember, your objective is not to learn every word or phrase. In Studio Classroom. Your goal is to learn English.

25 8. One last word: Enjoy yourself!

26 1. First of all,___1___ before each lesson.

27 2. During the teaching program, ___2___ along silently.

28 3. If at all possible, __3___ the program.

29 4. When the teacher asks a question, push the __4___ button answer the question yourself.

30 5. s___5___e, both o__6__y and in writing, the g_7__t of the lesson.

31 (6) Practice grammar by changing ___8___ or sentences. You can change the __9___, for example, or you can change sentences to questions.

32 (7) Remember, your __10___is not to learn every word or phrase. In Studio Classroom. Your goal is to learn English.

33 8. One last word: Enjoy yourself!