1 Kommunikatsiooniteenuste arendus IRT0080 Loeng 9/2008 Avo Ots telekommunikatsiooni õppetool, TTÜ raadio- ja sidetehnika inst.
2 Mobile Computing: Why? Streaming Movies E-learning Home Security Gambling Home medical care Sports Nokia E61 Military Response
3 Markets for IP Mobility [Source:Cisco]
4 Mobile Wireless Devices Laptop SmartphoneMedia PlayerPalmtop Personal Digital Assistant Notebook Pager Gaming Console Digital Camera Mobile Router
5 No mobility High mobility mobile wireless user, using same access point mobile user, passing through multiple access point while maintaining ongoing connections (like cell phone) mobile user, connecting/ disconnecting from network using DHCP. Moderate mobility Mobility Classification Protocols
6 Mobility Micro Macro Global Intra-subnet Intra-domain Inter-domain Cellular IP (1998) TMIP (2001) TeleMIP (2000) Hierarchical MIP (1996) Hawaii (1999) Dynamic Mobility Agent (2000) HMIPv6 (2001) MIP (1996) MIPv6 (2001) Time (evolutionary path) Mobility Classification Protocols
7 Tavalahendus
8 Lahendus multihop
9 Unicast-Routing Protocol for MANET (Topology-based) Table-Driven/ Proactive HybridOn-Demand- driven/Reactive Clusterbased/ Hierarchical Distance- Vector Link- State ZRPDSR AODV TORA LANMAR CEDAR DSDVOLSR TBRPF FSR STAR MANET: Mobile Ad hoc Network (IETF working group) Routing Protocols for MANETS CBRP
10 Proactive vs Reactive Routing Proactive Routing Protocols (DSDV, OLSR) + Routes to all reachable nodes in the network available. + Minimal initial delay for application. - Larger signalling traffic and power consumption. Reactive Routing Protocols (DSR, CBR etc) + Smaller signalling traffic and power consumption. - A long delay for application when no route to the destination available
11 Routing Protocols: Overview Proactive protocols –Determine routes independent of traffic pattern –Traditional link-state and distance-vector routing protocols are proactive –Examples: DSDV (Dynamic sequenced distance-vector) OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) Reactive protocols –Maintain routes only if needed –Examples: DSR (Dynamic source routing) AODV (on-demand distance vector) Hybrid protocols –Example: Zone Routing Protocol (intra-zone: proactive; inter-zone: on- demand)
12 Lingid (1) col_list hoc-routing1.pp