Use of English F. 6 First Term Exam Paper Checking January, 2010
09-10 F.6 First Term Exam UE (A) Reminder
A.Spelling Question No 3wise principle 5place 16,12,22academic enviroment 9tution 9cequiment 11challege 15libery 15incharge 20school tips vice-principal space academic environment tuition equipment challenge library in charge school trips
Question No. 29facity 33cspear 36refridgerator 39decay ≠10 years 46safty equiment 49certicate 50shark let facilities spare refrigerator/ fridge decade safety equipment certificate shark net
B. Capitalization and Abbreviations 1.Parent-Teacher Association = PTA 2.English 3.Shek O 4.New Territories 5.Physical Education = PE
C. Symbols for units e.g. $ for dollar D. Words that can be found in note-headings in the paper out-of-boundsQ6 library Q17 school tripsQ22 reference booksQ19,49 academic Q24 facilities Q29b fountain Q34 wallpaperQ37 fridgeQ39
E. Adjectives get injured a controlled environment experienced instructor F. Vocabulary Q16 maintenance Q15 enthusiastic Q19 worn-out
08-09 F.6 UE(B) Reminder
Popularity of questions Q1: 18 (6A) ; (6S) Q2: 10 (6A) ; (6S) Q3: 4 (6A) ; (6S)
It is assessed on a 9-point scale Above average (9, 8, 7) Average (6, 5, 4) Below average (3, 2, 1) Equal weighting is given to content and language accuracy
The following six areas are considered: Relevant content Logical organisation and appropriate format Well-constructed paragraphs (I-B-C; one main idea one paragraph) A variety of vocabulary & appropriate formality A variety of sentence types Accurate grammar and mechanics e.g. idioms, punctuation, spelling
Common grammatical mistakes Not using singular for 3 rd person Use contracted forms, i.e. I’m, You’ formal writing Not using capitalisation for proper names, e.g. the Music Club, the Basketball Team 1.Prepositions on the phone different from/to get addicted to doing sth participate in doing sth have confidence in doing sth
sth has influence / effect / impact on sb sb is shy about doing sth share sth with sb The experience of doing sth ***There are advantages to doing sth The reason for (doing) sth ***Students of the same age sb is interested in sth / doing sth sth should be banned from sb (c.f. ban sb from sth / from doing sth) (***indicates a number of students have made such mistake)
2. Articles the elderly the younger generation the library the newspaper the Internet the only child of the family
3. Phrases as a result on the other hand a waste of time make friends the standard of living the solution to a problem a feeling of satisfaction/success broaden one’s horizons relax oneself
4. Subject verb agreement One of the reasons is that … 5. Verb to be There is/are X There have
6. Spelling survey vocabulary grammar exercise solve c.f. solutions textbooks skilful live performance
7. Singular / plural Everything / something /nothing always sg homework sg assignments pl advice Uncountable! (c.f. 10 pieces of advice) entertainment uncount when used as an abstract noun (c.f. different forms of entertainment) vocabulary usu. sg; = all the words that a person knows or uses
8. Infinitives let sb do sth suggest sb do sth sb need not do sth 9. Noun phrase as subject of a sentence E.g. Participating in these activities can broaden your horizons.
10. Easily confused words pass vs past As time passes social vs sociable lend vs borrow quiet vs quite before vs until dislike vs unlike match vs race affect vs effect adapt vs adopt
09-10 F.6 UE(C) Reminder
6 categories of questions Reading Multiple choice cloze Sentence completion Proofreading Summary cloze Matching
09-10 First Term Exam Reading (11 Qs) Multiple choice cloze (18 Qs) Sentence completion (9 Qs) Proofreading (18 Qs) Summary cloze (21 Qs) Matching (10 Qs) Total: 87 Qs
2008 UE(C) Reading (14 Qs) Multiple choice cloze (20 Qs) Sentence completion (9 Qs) Proofreading (17 Qs) Summary cloze (24 Qs) Matching (16 Qs) Total: 100 Qs
2009 UE(C) Reading (15 Qs) Multiple choice cloze (19 Qs) Sentence completion (10 Qs) Proofreading (18 Qs) Summary cloze (23 Qs) Matching (10 Qs) Total: 95 Qs
09-10 F.6 UE(D) Reminder
Assessed on a 7-point scale Time control (1.5-2 mins) Pronunciation Grammar Clarity of speech Audibility Fluency Development of ideas Vs copying A presentation based on the passage Eye contact and manner of delivery
Common problems 3rd person singular e.g. He wants plural nouns e.g. schools use of past tense ed endings e.g. shocked can + B. inf e.g. can steal
Mispronounced words satisfy filipinos spectacular new territories nowadays shenzhen astronauts appreciate describe Nepal
Structural mistakes X very enjoy X Although ……. But X In my opinion ….. I think / I agree … X Do you ever see … X more cheaper X feel boring X c.f. So so that X use time to do sth X let sb to do sth X It will be danger …. X share sth with sb
09-10 F.6 UE(E) Reminder
General Time control Don’t copy directly from Data File Organise points clearly using paragraphing and connective devices Text type
Task 1: Article (Outline) – 45 marks Title: Food Safety Matters Introduce the Safety Day – source, location, time, purpose, 5 food hygiene topics Discuss 5 food hygiene topics * identify problem, how HK Govt addresses the problem, advice on how to tackle the problem, invite students to attend
For article writing, subheadings can be created but it is not a must No signature is required Formal language is to be used The outline must be followed closely
Task 2: Fact sheet – 15 marks Write questions to match answers * Don’t formulate the questions from the answers. You should formulate the question by reading the relevant pages of the data file.
Task 3: Information Pack Review – 18 marks For ‘Agree’ column, answer either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ If answers for ‘Agree’ column is wrong, no marks for ‘reasons’ If answers for ‘Agree’ column is ‘No’, the reasons must be able to explain why by mentioning ‘not’, ‘only for’
For the last column i.e. alternative choice of information pack, names must be spelt correctly with capitals.