Please open your notebooks to the Class and Reading Notes section to review. Take out a HIGHLIGHTER and a pen.
“Wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill” from "A Model of Christian Charity" John Winthrop (1630)
From Winthrop warned the Puritan colonists of New England who were to found the Massachusetts Bay Colony that their new community would be a "city on a hill" watched by the world.PuritanNew England Massachusetts Bay Colony
From It inspired the Puritans with a sense of holy duty that would be crucial if they wanted to increase their chances of survival in the New World.
From Winthrop believed that all nations had a covenant with God, and that because England had violated its religious covenant, the Puritans must leave the country. This was an expression of the Puritan belief that the Church of England had fallen from grace by accepting Catholic rituals. John Winthrop claimed that the Puritans forge a new, special agreement with God, like that between God and the people of Israel. covenant Church of EnglandCatholicpeople of Israel
From Winthrop believed that by purifying Christianity in the New World, his followers would serve as an example to the Old World for building a model Protestant community.Protestant
From The idea that their community was specially ordained by God had a powerful effect on the Puritan society of New England. Of course, breaking a covenant with God has dire results. In order to avoid incurring God's wrath by breaking their promise, the Puritans sought to maintain perfect order in their society.
From Even the smallest sins were punished harshly by the courts; no one was allowed to live alone for fear that they would succumb to the temptation to sin; parents were to instruct their children and servants diligently in the Word of God; church attendance was mandatory; marriage was required. marriage
From These conventions and institutions molded an extremely stable and rigidly-structured society in New England, a stark contrast with the unstable and loosely-bound society of the early British colonies in the Chesapeake Bay region, such as Jamestown. Chesapeake Bay Jamestown
READ Winthrop’s sermon
Objective: Standards Demonstrate control of grammar, diction, and paragraph and sentence structure and an understanding of English usage. Produce legible work that shows accurate spelling and correct punctuation and capitalization.
Assignment Rewrite “Wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill” using today’s writing and grammatical conventions. “Correct” the spellings, irregular capitalizations, and punctuation to reflect modern writing rules.
Convert the 1630 spellings of words IN THE LAST, LONG PARAGRAPH to modern day spellings of the words. Highlight the words that are spelled differently than they are now. Highlight the words that are spelled differently than they are now. Circle all the true proper nouns that need to be capitalized. Circle all the true proper nouns that need to be capitalized. Draw a slash through Words that are capitalized in the text that should not be capitalized. Draw a slash through Words that are capitalized in the text that should not be capitalized. Underline with three lines the first letter of words that SHOULD BE CAPITALIZED that are not. Underline with three lines the first letter of words that SHOULD BE CAPITALIZED that are not. Corrected the spellings in or alongside the text. Corrected the spellings in or alongside the text. Steps 1-5 (due tomorrow):
…Now the onely way to avoyde this shipwracke and to provide for our posterity is to followe the Counsell of Micah, to doe Justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with our God, for this end, wee must be knitt together in this worke as one man, wee must entertaine each other in brotherly Afeccion…
X X X X X X XX X affection shipwreck avoid