Understanding climate impacts on vulnerable people Local Health and Wellbeing in a changing climate, Nottingham Friday 1 st March 2013 Sarah Lindley, University of Manchester Justice, vulnerability and climate change Full report available at vulnerability vulnerability
Vulnerability How external stresses impact on well-being. A lower ability to respond to stresses placed on well-being higher vulnerability. The central question: how is vulnerability distributed across different individuals and groups? 1. Likelihood and severity of the weather related event – flood, heatwave. 2. Vulnerability: The conversion of the event into welfare impacts (individual, social and environmental) 3. Climate disadvantage is a function of 1 and 2. The characterisation of vulnerability raises: 1. How should well-being be conceptualised and measured? 2. What factors are relevant to understanding how external stresses convert into changes in well-being?
Geographical expression of the potential for an event to convert into the loss of wellbeing Dimensions reveal a different picture and requires different actions Ability to respond Ability to recover Adaptive capacity Exposure (Enhanced) Vulnerability Sensitivity Ability to prepare Socio-spatial vulnerability Hazard Exposure Climate disadvantage But understanding related climate disadvantage requires consideration of the potential for contact with a flood or heat-related event too
Socio-spatial flood/heat vulnerability domains DimensionDomain Sensitivity: Biophysical characteristicsAge Health Exposure: Physical neighbourhood attributes Physical environment Housing characteristics Preparation: Taking precautionsIncome Tenure Information use Local knowledge Insurance Response: Avoiding lossesIncome Information use Local knowledge Insurance Social networks Mobility Crime General accessibility Recovery: Recovering from a flood eventIncome Information use Insurance Social networks Mobility Housing mobility DimensionDomain Sensitivity: Biophysical characteristics Age Health Exposure: Physical neighbourhood attributes Physical environment Physical geography Housing characteristics Preparation: Taking precautions Income Tenure Information use Response: Avoiding heat stress during an event Income Information use Social networks Mobility Crime General accessibility General infrastructure Recovery: Recovering from heat stress if it occurs Information use Social networks Mobility Service access
Socio-spatial flood vulnerability in England Coastal Built-up areas, basement dwellings e.g. possible insurance access issues
NameSSFVPotential flood exposure * Flood disadvantage L’boro EEH76%ED L’boro WEH30%ED *Land area with significant or moderate flood likelihoods(EA) English mean = 8.4% NB: NOT properties exposed
Both neighbourhoods have relatively low adaptive capacity East has population & local physical characteristics close to English norm West has less sensitive population but a local environment which can enhance flood exposure
Selected indicators – L’boro E Sensitivity around average overall Higher than expected % of young children Physical characteristics balance out to English norm Proportions of basement dwellings above average (5.1% compared to 2.6%) but not as built up as the average English neighbourhood taken as a whole
Selected indicators – L’boro E Lower adaptive capacity - preparing for, responding to and recovering from events may be difficult Potential for insurance access problems Lower HH incomes £280 (vs. £390) Relatively high rates of new arrivals 42.3% HHs without a car (vs. 26.3%) Lower than expected increase in house prices Higher than average rates of social and private tenants Large proportion of residents born overseas (20.6% compared to 8.2%)
Regional breakdowns % of total neighbourhoods in each English region estimated to be extremely socially flood vulnerable % estimated to be extremely flood disadvantaged (high socio spatial vulnerability & high potential for flood exposure)
Heat disadvantage in England London’s high average socio-spatial heat vulnerability is coupled with tendency for higher temperatures England’s climate gradient also offsets some of the low socio- spatial heat vulnerability in South East But There is a differential in the tolerance of high temperatures from place to place Alternative measures required
Socio-spatial heat vulnerability compared to local temperature patterns
There is variation in what drives heat-related social vulnerability Selection accounted for relative temperature pattern (class 5)
Selected indicators – St Matthews & St Peters Leicester 018 Sensitivity – relatively sensitive Young children rather than older residents Reported ill-heath Physical environment enhances heat Around 4.8% HHs >= 5 th floor (vs. 0.7%) Relatively small gardens Less greenspace (85.9% not GS vs. 48.3% ) Lower adaptive capacity Lower incomes £160 per HH (vs. £390) Relatively high % of lone parents & social renters Lower mobility: personal mobility &access to private transport: 59.1% HHs no car Relatively good access to health services & local refuges
Key findings and conclusions Key socially vulnerable groups: Poverty and deprivation New residents Mobility and access Sensitivity (inherent susceptibility to impacts, age & health) Enhanced exposure (physical characteristics of neighbourhoods) Drivers vary local case studies provide further insight Almost all neighbourhoods will have some socially vulnerable people but the key characteristics of neighbourhoods can help in targeting and designing local measures alongside other activities Evidence of joint socio-spatial vulnerabilities in the UK – up to 2/3 of the top 10% most socially vulnerable neighbourhoods were so for both flood & heat
ClimateJust - a new decision-support web portal Aim the primary entry point for learning about climate justice & what constitutes a just response to the challenges of climate change in the UK ClimateJust will assist users with Awareness Raising; Learning; Responding. Key element distributive justice with respect to negative welfare impacts, but drawing on evidence, tools and guidance for other justice elements The resource is aimed at local authorities and service providers working with local communities. Development/Testing Data/case study work SWOT/’stakeholder’ mapping Wider dissemination Interested? Please Increasing engagement & different modes of engagement