13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna1 MeLLANGE Multilingual eLearning for Language Engineering Website Content on Moodle on Plone
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna2 CONTENTS Background of the MeLLANGE Project Project objectives Project status and outlook
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna3 I. Background
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna4 The Business Context Globalisation – new competences needed Cross-cultural communication Management of intercultural language resources Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) New competences…?
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna5 The European Context – Universities Bologna Process A system of academic grades which are easy to read and compare, including the introduction of the diploma supplement (designed to improve international "transparency" and facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications); A system essentially based on two cycles : a first cycle geared to the employment market and lasting at least three years and a second cycle (Master) conditional upon the completion of the first cycle;
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna6 The European context A system of accumulation and transfer of credits (of the ECTS type already used successfully under Socrates-Erasmus); Mobility of students, teachers and researchers; Cooperation with regard to quality assurance; The European dimension of higher education. EHEA– European Higher Education Area: 3rd cycle - doctorate ogna_en.html
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna7 The European Context – Professional Training Copenhagen Declaration Europass Training, European CV CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Lifelong Learning, eLearning ining_en.html
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna8 The European Context – EQF European Qualification Framework to facilitate the transfer and recognition of qualifications held by individual citizens by linking qualifications systems at the national and sectoral levels and enabling them to relate to each other. The EQF will therefore act as a translation device and will be one of the principal European mechanisms intended to facilitate citizens' mobility for work and study alongside, for example, Erasmus, the European Credit Transfer System and Europass.
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna9 What does this mean for translation studies and training? Implement Bologna 2cycle-system Even closer co-operation in higher education: Joint curriculum development, joint programmes Further promote mobility of students, teachers, researchers Employ e-Learning as a tool –to supplement teaching in blended learning scenarios –for further training of translation professionals –to enable autonomous and distance learning –for acquiring ICT competences
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna10 II. MeLLANGE Objectives
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna11 To develop Online training resources Framework for a European Master
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna12 Framework for a European Masters Flexibility Recognised by the different partners Enabling student and professional mobility within the European Community Joint, double degrees, bilateral agreements, student exchange, shared resources
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna13 Online training resources Developed collaboratively by the consortium Students in initial vocational training intending to become language professionals Active language professionals: translators, technical writers, localisers, language resource managers, trainers
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna14 Teaching new, market-oriented competences New: technology focus, resource management, collaborative Market-oriented: domain-specific + transferrable skills (self-management, teamwork, social competences, ICT) Dynamic and collaborative learning environments (Moodle) Personalised training, specialised modules Corpus-based real-life teaching material
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna15 Topics covered Corpora for Translation Translation Memory Specialised Translation Localisation Markup Languages Terminology Machine Translation Information Management Project Management
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna16 III. Project Status + Outlook
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna17 Content development Survey on user needs among professionals Existing material has been repurposed, translated, annotated. Contents exist for all topics Units (and courses), tested internally
13 May 2006Mellange Workshop Vienna18 Outlook Testing with CEE universities Evaluation of testing questionnaires Implementation of changes –Based on feedback from 1st testing cycle –Creation of full courses –Adaptation for professional audience Further testing round Final Adaptation