SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno NICE Systems Project Management Certification Program
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Average Handle time
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Quality Statistics Quantifying Quality…….. Quality Results
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Productivity - Calls Per Hour Quality Score Patti Fred Dave Jeff Chris Ann Mary Ian Val Brenda Tom Joe Michelle Quality and Productivity go hand in hand!
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno QUALITY MEASUREMENT TOMORROW 5 Critical stages to designing a rigorous quality management program
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno OBJECTIVE VS. SUBJECTIVE 3 number of calls reviewed 3 random collection of calls to be reviewed 3 who will review the calls?
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Agents must trust the process being implemented - make them a part of it!! Ensure consistency among those responsible for reviewing calls Position program as a focus on personal growth / improvement!! 2. FAIR AND MEANINGFUL
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Did we meet.....exceed the customer's expectations? Were the Company's needs met? Did the Customer 'feel good' after their contact with our Center? 3. CLEARLY DEFINED EXPECTATIONS Bold Goals cause Dramatic Results!
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno H H Employees are entitled to know how well they are doing.... Timely feedback....not 4 weeks later Regular feedback sessions.....this is not a "Flavour of the Month" 4.FEEDBACK....
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Focused training sessions Regularly scheduled coaching sessions Peer to Peer coaching time 5. ACTION...WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Elements of MEASURING QUALITY !
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Elements of a Quality Survey H Courtesy and Etiquette H Handling Irate callers H Listening Skills H Sales Skills H Hold Phrases H Warm Transfer Procedures
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Components of a Quality Evaluation H Voice Quality H varied tone of voice H spoke at a moderate pace H Smiling voice H Introduction H Greeting contained required elements H Acknowledgement Statement
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Components of a Quality Evaluation H Transfer Procedures H Used benefit statement to explain reason for transfer H introduce the customer to the 3rd party H Hold Procedures H Asked permission to put customer on hold H Thanked customer for holding
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Components of a Quality Evaluation H Listening Skills H Use active listening phrases H Summarize key points H Handling Irate Customer H Use calming phrases H Recap conversation
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno What Do We Find Out By QA Monitoring? Customer handling skills Intonation Sales ability and techniques Product knowledge Technical knowledge Escalation procedures Company policies...You can't manage what you can't measure!!
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Helpful Hints for your Evaluation H Categorize your Evaluation H Standards H Knowledge based H Skill based H Consider how each Evaluation statement will be scored (i.e. Yes/No, 1-5 rating scale)
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Agent Benefits H Agents know what is expected H Individuals performance is based on their abilities...regardless of tenure H Results identify specific areas for improvement
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Company Benefits H Accurately identify individual training needs H Effectively utilize educational $$$ H Ability to 'Raise the Bar' of performance in your Call Center H Clearly define the 'Core Competancies'
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Customer Benefits H Consistent Service on every call H First time resolution H Each call to the Center represents a 'positive memorable experience'
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno What Users Say About Automated Quality Monitoring Time saved through automatic collection of calls Flexible schedule design provides more objective call sampling and easy set-up Data Management capabilities make information easy to access and customize Agents find the process more objective and participatory Excellent technical support Immediate benefits realized
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Pitfalls to Avoid No buy in from the Agents Time….Time….Time Process is missing Lack of Consistency Subjective Results Action not taken
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Success Factors Have a champion to manage the process Develop precise procedures and ensure people adhere to them Involve everyone in the process Recognize the need to Update your program every 6 months or so Spend more time doing it and less time talking about it!! Publicly celebrate the successes!!
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Summary H Success factors for a Quality Program H Pitfalls to avoid H Implementation ideas to take back anduse now
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno In Summary Importance of Quality Benefits Productivity Quality Achieving the Balance
SYSTEMS LTD. Orlando Moreno Everybody Wins Agents Customers Company