National Curriculum Assessments. Parents Information 2015
What are they? SATs, or Standard Assessment Tests, are the former, but still held to, name for National Curriculum Tests. These are statutory end of key stage tests in the core subjects of the National Curriculum: Key Stage 2 tests cover: – English reading – English grammar, punctuation and spelling – maths (including mental arithmetic)
Teacher Assessment Teachers are also required to give assessments about the children's attainment in the following areas. 1.Maths (in all 4 areas) 2.English reading 3.English Writing 4.English Speaking and Listening 5.Science ( in all 4 areas)
Timetable of 2015 tests
Reading Test Children will have a total of one hour to read the texts and complete the questions at their own pace. The booklet will contain three or four texts. The least demanding text will come first with the following texts increasing in level of difficulty. The reading answer booklet will comprise approximately 35 to 40 questions (totalling 50 marks). The questions are: – shorter, closed response items (such as multiple choice and matching questions); – shorter, open response items; and – longer, open response items that require children to explain and comment on the texts in order to demonstrate a full understanding. Questions are worth 1, 2 or 3 marks.
Example Questions Easy Text
Example Questions Medium Text
Example Questions Harder Text
How can you help? The biggest single influence on your child’s SAT marks will be their reading ability. Good readers can read questions quickly, and understand what they need to do. Continue to encourage your child to read every day, looking at both stories and non-fiction. Talk about the book with the children to check understanding. Question pupils about language chosen and new words as this will develop their vocabulary.
Example of the types of questions you may ask. How has the author organised the writing? Why does the author begin a new paragraph here? What is/are the main event(s) that happen(s) in this/ each paragraph? How has the author used words/phrases to make this character funny/sad/adventurous/clever/frightening/ excited/disappointed, etc? Which part of the story best describes the setting/ characters/action? Which words and /or phrases do this? Find and copy some words or phrases that show us that this character is special/helpful/adventurous/ unsure/worried, etc. How did the story make you feel? Why did it make you feel like this? Why do you think the author chose this particular setting for this story? How has the author started this in an interesting way. How does this make the reader want to read on?
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) The English grammar, punctuation and spelling test at levels 3-5 has two components, worth a total of 70 marks: – a booklet of short-answer questions – a spelling task Paper 1, the short-answer questions, consists of between 40 and 50 questions assessing grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. – selected response items (such as multiple choice questions) or – short, open response items, in which children may have to write a word, a few words or a sentence. Paper 2, the spelling task, consists of 20 sentences, which are read aloud by the test administrator. Each sentence has a word missing which the child must complete. The task is worth a total of 20 marks.
Example Questions
Spelling Example
How can you help? Again discussing their reading will help pupils to expand their vocabulary and awareness of grammar and punctuation. The daily support for spelling punctuation and grammar has been coming home each week on a Monday and need to be brought in on the following Monday. Help children to find a quiet calm place to complete the work. Get them to look back over their answers and the revision support given – are they sensible answers.
Maths The levels 3-5 mathematics test consists of: – two non-calculator papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, each lasting 45 minutes – mental mathematics test, lasting 20 minutes There is no calculator paper this year for most children. Questions require pupils to apply maths knowledge not just complete calculations. Pupils will need to also measure and draw accurately. Children’s marks from all three tests are aggregated to calculate their overall mathematics level.
Example Questions Straight Forward
Example Questions
Applied Problems
Reasoning Problems
Drawing Questions
Money Problems
Mr T’s Favourites
How can you help? Any work with mental maths skills will also support for example tables knowledge and working with time measurements and money. If possible to show them how maths is used in the everyday world. Support children with reading as they have to understand the questions they are being asked to solve. 10 for 10 every week day.
Level 6 Some pupils working at an exceptionally high level may be put in for a Level 6 paper. These are a bit different and extend pupils beyond the KS2 Curriculum. Eg. – The level 6 mathematics test consists of: Paper 1 – a non-calculator paper, lasting 30 minutes Paper 2 – a calculator available paper, lasting 30 minutes The test expands on the content of the levels 3-5 test by including higher level problems that require children to think for themselves and bring aspects of mathematics together.
Level 6 Example Questions Maths
Example Level 6 SPAG
Example Level 6 Reading Test
General Support for Children Make sure the children have a good nights rest so they are able to focus on their learning. Make sure they eat a good breakfast as most core curriculum learning happens before lunch. Make sure they in school on time in the morning. Make sure they are in school for the next vital term.
Over Easter