All IP Cellular Network, 3G and Beyond 연세대학교 김 영용 ☎
Doc Name –wti Trends of Network Evolution 2G2G 3G3G Wireless Wireline circuit packet (Voip) ALL IP Network Tremendous Growth in Data Traffic It’s not a choice but an inevitable trend
Doc Name –wti Advantage of All IP Structure Single network that represents the convergence of multiple independent networks (voice, data, video) into a single unified network Operational efficiencies of a single integrated network Facilitate new service development and implementation Shorten time-to-market for new services Seamless deployment of voice services across packet network Distributed networking model for scalability, performance, and reliability
Doc Name –wti 3G Standard Activities 3GPP (1) –Global specifications for GSM/MAP network evolution to –3G and the UTRA RTT –Almost Mature Standards 3GPP2 –Global specifications for ANSI/TIA/EIA-41 network –evolution to 3G and global specifications for the RTTs –supported by ANSI/TIA/EIA-41 –Standards under development
Doc Name –wti ALL IP Network 관련연구동향 standardization efforts 3GPP 3GPP2 3G.IP IETF MWIF ARIB/TTC ETSI ANSI/TIA Fusitsu Nokia Erricson BT AT&T NEC Panasonic Mitsubishi Docomo Lucent Nortel Cisco Toshiba Telcordia Hitachi Qualcomm Vodafone Motorola Sprint/PCS
Doc Name –wti Generic All IP Network Architecture IP Core 1G/2G GW 1G/2G RAN 3G RAN SA RTS WCCA Legacy App Application servers HSS Packet GW Signalling GW 3G RAN GW Trunk GW Other Networks Packet Public Data Network Signalling Network PSTN
Doc Name –wti Key components of all IP architecture Radio Network The Core Packet Network The Call Control Gateways to mobile systems and to external networks The Service architecture
Doc Name –wti 3GPP 3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project Development of 3rd generation cellular systems based on GSM architecture –GSM –GPRS –WCDMA –EDGE Supported by several regional standardization bodies : –ETSI (Europe) –ARIB, TTC (Japan) –CWTS (China) –T1 (U.S.) –TTA (Korea)
Doc Name –wti All-IP wireless network discussed in 3GPP : History [July 99] 3GPP All-IP network feasibility study started [Sept 99] TSG-S2 R00 AdHoc submitted results of the TSG- S2 for approval [Oct 99] After TSG-S2 approval, TSG-S2 R00 AdHoc Group results were submitted to TSG-SA for approval to be the first Spec. [Oct 99] After TSG-SA approval, Project planning work for R00 (including All-IP option) was started at TSG-S2 project planning AdHoc groups. [Dec 99] After TSG-S2 approval, the detailed workplan for R00 (including All-IP network option) was submitted to TSG-SA for approval. [Jan 00 - Dec 00] Work within 3GPP TSGs and WGs proceed according to the TSG-SA approved R00 Project plan. [Dec 00] Release 00 specifications completed including All- IP option.
Doc Name –wti 3GPP All-IP wireless network reference architecture : Option- 1 Option 1 is based on packet technologies and IP telephony for simultaneous real time and non real time services.
Doc Name –wti 3GPP All-IP wireless network reference architecture : Option- 2 Option 2 is to support of release 99 CS domain terminals. Option 2 also supports the IP based services of option 1.
Doc Name –wti 3GPP Signaling Protocol Stack
Doc Name –wti Features of 3GPP All-IP GPRS-based Mobility management - GSN+HSS(=HLR) Call control - Further study (H.323 and SIP are used as examples) Compatibility with existing networks - Support of CS domain GSM terminals QoS support - GPRS QoS support scheme even if call control protocols are introduced Support of EDGE Handover and Roaming - Supported –Within UMTS R00 IP network –Between All-IP and CS domain/GSM AirLink Optimization for Real-Time IP - Header compression/decompression and Header stripping /regeneration for IP/UDP/RTP stack Security - For Further study
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 Development of 3rd generation cellular systems as evolution of ANSI/TIA/EIA-41 networks Supported by several regional standardization bodies : –ARIB, TTC (Japan) –CWTS (China) –TIA (U.S.) –TTA (Korea)
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 Organization Steering Committee Technical Specification Group –TSG-A (A-Interface System) –TSG-C (cdma2000) –TSG-P (Wireless Packet Data Interworking) –TSG-R (Interface of 3GPP Radio Access Technology to 3G Core Network evolved from ANSI-41) –TSG-S (Service and System Aspects) –TSG-N (ANS-41/WIN)
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 All-IP wireless network discussed in 3GPP2 [Nov 99] All-IP AdHoc was formed in TSG-S to develop an overview of related objects, requirements, issues, and recommendations by January 2000 TSG-S meeting [Dec 99] 1st TSG-S All-IP AdHoc in HI to output initial Recommendations [Jan 00] 2nd TSG-S All-IP AdHoc in CA to output conclusions of the adhoc group –Phase-1 : All-IP Network Reference Model (NRM), Stage 1, 3GPP2 workplan –Phase-2 : Stage2 and 3 development –A desire for an all IP network architecture common between 3GPP and 3GPP2 –Use of the IETF IP protocols whenever possible [Feb 00] 3rd TSG-S All-IP AdHoc in CA Discussion on NRM proposals and workplan [Mar 00] 4th TSG-S All-IP AdHoc in JapanSteering Committee
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 All-IP wireless network proposals Lucent CISCO Ericsson Sun Telcordia/TOSHIBA Potential participants : Sprint PCS, Motorola, Samsung,Nokia, Vodafone/Airtouch, Sony, 3COM, GTE, Nortel, Bell Atrantic Mobile, Qualcomm, LGIC, IDO, SK Telcom, LG Telecom, Hyndai, NEC, KDD, DDI, Fujitsu, Oki, Ericsson
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 All-IP NRM proposal Lucent
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 UMTS/EDGE/cdma2000 Common All-IP NRM proposal, Lucent
Doc Name –wti Common concept of All-IP NRM Lucent
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 All-IP NRM proposal CISCO
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 All-IP NRM proposal Ericsson
Doc Name –wti 3GPP2 All-IP NRM proposal Telcordia and Toshiba
Doc Name –wti CDMA2000 Phased NRM
Doc Name –wti Features of 3GPP2 All-IP Mobile-IP-based [All proposals] Mobility management - L2 mechanism [Sun] or IP-based mobility management [Cisco] for micromobility and Mobile- IP for macromobility [All proposals] Call control - TBD (H.323[Lucent], SIP[Lucent, Telcordia,TOSHIBA]) Compatibility with existing networks - Support TSG-P network QoS support - Requirement Proposal to support UMTS and EDGE (Lucent) Handover and Roaming - TBD AirLink Optimization for Real-Time IP - Requirement Security - RequirementGPRS-based
Doc Name –wti IETF IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force Working group [IP routing for wireless/mobile hosts (Mobile IP)] Extension and improvement of Mobile IP Route optimization in Mobile IP Mobility support in IPv6 Mobile IP regional registration Revised Tunneling for Mobile IP Micromobility support Mobile IP based micro mobility management protocol in the third generation Cellular IP Mobile IP Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting requirements Adaptation to wireless network Requirements on Mobile IP from a cellular perspective
Doc Name –wti MWIF MWIF - Mobile Wireless Internet Forum Drive an Open Internet-based architecture that –enables seamless integration of mobile telephony and IP-based Services (voice, data, video, web, etc.) for the mobile wireless networks, and –is independent of the Air interface Influence and align standards with target architecture Act as driver that is complementary to the existing standards working groups and provide a common voice of global operators Is operator/service provider driven Supported by around 50 companies, which includes –Vendors CISCO, Motorola, 3COM, Fujitsu, Hitachi, IBM, Lucent, Nokia, Nortel, Qualcomm, Siemens, Sony, Sun, etc. –Providers Vodafone AirTouch, DDI, SprintPCS, IDO, Bell Atlantic Mobile, Telstra, etc.IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
Doc Name –wti 3G.IP Consists of BT, AT&T, Ericsson, Nokia, Nortel, etc. Target radio system : GPRS-based TDMA and CDMA Interim network standards established by the end of 2000, which include both circuit-switched and packet data Elements
Doc Name –wti 3G.IP Consists of BT, AT&T, Ericsson, Nokia, Nortel, etc. Target radio system : GPRS-based TDMA and CDMA Interim network standards established by the end of 2000, which include both circuit-switched and packet data Elements
Doc Name –wti Comparison of 3GPP & 3GPP2 3GPP3GPP2 Fundamental network configuration GPRSMobile-IP (All) Mobility management (MM)GSN+HSS=(GPRS MM) L2 Mechanism [Sun, etc.] or IP-based MM [CISCO] for micromobility, Mobile-IP for macromobility [All] Call Control Further study (H.323, SIP) H.323 [Lucent], SIP [Lucent, Telcordia,TOSHIBA] Compatibility with existing networks Support of CS domain GSM terminals Support TSG-P (ANSI-41 base) network QoS supportGPRS QoS schemeRequirement only Support of other radio systems EDGEUMTS and EDGE [Lucent] Handover and RoamingSupportedTBD AirLink Optimization for Real-Time IP Header compression and striping Requirement only SecurityFurther studyRequirement only Current Specification Status detailed version by the end of 2000 Proposals and discussion
Doc Name –wti OPEN ISSUES Current StatusGoal Mobility management GPRS, L2 mechanism, Mobile-IP, IP-Protocol based micro mobility IP-Protocol based unified and single mobility management protocol QoS support GPRS QoS support scheme IP-centric QoS gurantee scheme Call controlH.323, SIP Appropriate protocols in cellular environments Roaming Roaming gateway, remote AAA, regional Mobile IP registering Distributed authentication Harmonization of different approach Different approach (GPRS vs. Mobile-IP) development of appropriate hooks AirLink OptimizationHeader compression/stripping More efficient transmission scheme compatible with existing IP protocols Support of circuit switchingQoS SupportMore flexible and efficient QoS control
Doc Name –wti Post 2001 Architectures Time Frame 1 –Separate Voice and Data Networks but integrated Access –TIA PN-4286 Network Architecture Time Frame 2 –Combined Voice over IP and IP networks for both access and backbone networks –Voice and IP combined in Network –Voice and IP combined in Access –Voice is sent over IP instead of using PCM IP Network Options –H.323: Cisco, HP, Sonus –MGCP: Cisco, Lucent, Nortel, Sonus, Telcordia –SIP: 3Com, Cisco, Ericsson, Lucent, Nortel –MEGACO authors: FORE, Gotham, Lucent, Nortel, Telcordia
Doc Name –wti Protocol Stack
Doc Name –wti LINK LAYER (TULIP) Transport Unaware Link Improvement Protocol A candidate of solution for interfering problem between RLP and TCP Proposed at University of California, Santa Cruz
Doc Name –wti LINK LAYER (TULIP) Transport Unaware Link Improvement Protocol A candidate of solution for interfering problem between RLP and TCP Proposed at University of California, Santa Cruz Service aware, not protocol aware (Looking into TCP headers is not necessary) –Reliable service TCP data –Unreliable service UDP data, TCP ACKs* Subsequent cumulative ACKs supersede the information in the lost ACK Periodical transmission with time interval using RLP layer buffer –The time interval equal to propagation delay at Link layer –Decrease temporal deviation of transmission speed
Doc Name –wti Network Layer Mobility Management Mobile IP –HAWAII –Cellular IP –HMMP –GPRS Mobility Management –CDPD Mobility Management
Doc Name –wti Network Layer Mobility Management
Doc Name –wti Beyond 3G OFDM & Dynamic Packet Assignment –Transmission rate of 2-5Mbps in macrocell, 10Mbps and above in microcells Iceberg (UC-Berkeley) –Potentially Any Network Services (PANS): beyond just the two party telephone call service; requires a network/device independent system –Personal Mobility: person as communication endpoint; requires a single identity for an individual – iUID –Service Mobility: seamless mobility across different devices in the middle of a service session –Easy Service Creation and Customization –Scalability, Availability and Fault Tolerance
Doc Name –wti Conclusions ALL IP network : plenty of technologies and migration path unresolved Many promise for ALL IP common network Many research issues for 3G/4G Network architecture