Letter Writing 2 A Formal Letter Letter Writing 2 Formal Letter
Letter Writing Objectives In working on this project you will learn how to write: A Business Letter A formal letter A letter of Application with a CV/Resume An Informal letter You will also be meeting the following Common Core objectives: Introduce Text Types and Purposes: Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesive links between the major sections of the text. [CC W.1.c] Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone when writing. [CC.9-10.W.1.d] Write informative/explanatory texts clearly and accurately through the effective selection and organization of content. [CC.9-10.W.2] Using precise language, develop a topic with well-chosen, relevant facts, concrete details, quotations, or other information. [CC.9-10.W.2.b & CC.9-10.W.2.d] Conduct research projects to draw evidence from literary or informational texts to answer a question or solve a problem. [CC.9-10.W.7 & CC.9-10.W.9]
In these lessons we will continue learning how to: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. [CC L.1 & CC L.1.a] Use reference resources such as dictionaries to resolve issues of punctuation & grammatical usage. [CC L.1.b, CC L.4.c CC L.4.d] Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, hyphenation, and spelling when writing. [CC L.2, CC L.2.a & CC L.2.b] Apply knowledge of language to vary syntax for effect and to help understand how language functions in different contexts. [CC L.3 & CC L.3.a] Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases. [CC L.4] Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. [CC L.4.a] Letter Writing – Objectives
In these lessons we will continue learning how to: Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech. [CC L.4.b] Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. [CC L.5] Interpret figures of speech (e.g., hyperbole, paradox) in context and analyze their role in the text. [CC L.5.a] Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations. [CC L.5.b] Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. [CC L.6] Letter Writing – Objectives
To learn an acceptable layout for a Formal Letter such as to a Newspaper. To learn a correct content structure for a Formal Letter. To practice writing a Letter to a newspaper. Letter Writing 2 Formal Letter Specific Objectives
Your address is usually on the right Your Name Your Address Your Town Your Postcode The Recipient’s address is on the left Date The Editor, Arab News PO Box Jeddah Saudi Arabia Newspaper editors are addresses as Dear Sir, or Dear Editor. Dear Editor, Introduce the topic you want to write about. I am writing to express my views about the disruption caused by the construction of the new Metro. Classwork Task N o 1 : Copy this slide in your folder. [4 Marks] Letter Writing 2 A Letter to the Arab News - 1
A couple of paragraphs that express your views on the subject. I am nearly 80 years old and because of the re-routing of the main road while the new metro is constructed I am now too frightened to go out of my house. The Ministry promised us that the work would only take a year, and now nearly two years later, there is still no sign of it finishing. Concluding paragraph As we move towards the third year of these awful roadworks I wonder now if they will ever finish them and that I will ever see a Metro run on these tracks in my lifetime. Classwork Task N o 2 : Copy this slide in your folder. [3 Marks] Letter Writing 2 A Letter to the Arab News - 2
‘Call to action’ paragraph My thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope that you think it worth of publication as I am sure many of your readers share my views. Unless you know the editor’s name sign off Yours Faithfully Ahmed Al Fares Written Signature A Fares Printed Signature Classwork Task N o 3 : Copy this slide in your folder. [4 Marks] Letter Writing 2 A Letter to the Arab News - 3
Letter Writing 2 A Letter to the Arab News - 4 Ne w Classwork Task N o 4 Write a letter to the editor of the Arab News that expresses your response to the opinions in the published articles about driving in KSA. You must set out you letter in the same way as the example completed in class and start your letter with a reference to the published article. The letter must be addressed to: The Editor Arab News P.O. Box Jeddah Saudi Arabia[15 Marks]
Homework Task - 2 [15 Marks] From home find a Formal letter and annotate it showing the component parts of the letter. Submit by Thursday Apr 16 th. Note: Any letter from school to your parents should count as a formal letter. Letter Writing 1 – Business Letter