KT's IPv6 status and trial service Future Technology Lab Dongjin Kwak, Jaehwa Lee Meeting 2008 at NZ
2 2 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Contents KT IPv6 status and migration strategy KT’s IPv6 Trial IPv6 Personalized service
3 3 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ KOREA Government’s IPv6 Strategies In the past Just supporting only IPv6 technologies and applications projects through MIC + /NIA ++ Depending upon only telco’s for IPv6 deployment over their commercial networks 2005 ~ 2007 Interested in real IPv6 applications, contents, and users Formed IPv6 Deployment Promotion Council NOW NIDA +++ is in charge of promoting IPv6 Interested in deploying IPv6 infrastructure at government agencies in advance Make new strategy to promote IPv6 and its applications : Ministry of Information and Communication + : Ministry of Information and Communication ++ : National Information society Agency, +++ : National Internet Development Agency
4 4 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ IPv6 migration strategy in KT PhaseTimeMigration strategy Preparation ~ 2008 Maintain current IPv4 network IPv6 Experiment / Trial Node Operation Enhance IPv6-based technologies / network equipment function Make policy of IPv6 service and educational programs Transition ~ 2010 Install 6PE - IPv4/IPv6 operation in only PE nodes - IPv4 operation in VPN PE / partial node secure IPv6 operational know-how promote IPv6 user connectivity Native IPv6 ~ 2013 Install Dual Stack step 1: Install Dual stack in core and remove 6PE function step 2: IPv6 deployment in all core network equipments
5 5 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ IPv6 Backbone Migration (1) Install 6PE Operate Dual Stack in only edge router IPv6 Customer Servers (DNS..) Other ISP IPv6 Network IPv4/MPLS Network IPv4 Customer IPv4 Kornet IPv4 Kornet IPv4 Customer IPv6 Customer IPv4 Customer Premium Center Main Node Premium PE Premium PE VPN PE Internet GW KT IPv6 IX Service Pop Edge Core Edge IPv4 link IPv6 link IPv4/IPv6 IPv4 Router Dual stack IPv6 over MPLS IPv6 over MPLS Main Node
6 6 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Start to deploy IPv6 in core routers and remove 6PE function Servers (DNS..) Other ISP IPv6 Network IPv4/IPv6 /MPLS IPv4 Kornet IPv4 Kornet IPv4 Customer IPv6 Customer IPv4 Customer Premium PE VPN PE Internet GW KT IPv6 IX Service Pop Edge Core Edge IPv4 link IPv6 link IPv4/IPv6 IPv4 Router Dual stack Premium Center IPv6 over MPLS IPv6 over MPLS Premium PE IPv6 Customer IPv4 Customer IPv6 Backbone Migration (2) Main Node
7 7 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Servers (DNS..) 타 ISP IPv6 Network IPv4/IPv6 /MPLS IPv4 Kornet IPv4 Kornet IPv6 Customer IPv4 Customer Premium PE VPN PE KT IPv6 IX Service Pop Edge Core Edge IPv4 link IPv6 link IPv4/IPv6 IPv4 Router Dual stack Premium Center Premium PE IPv4/IPv6 Customer Internet GW IPv6 Customer IPv4 Customer Install and operate Dual Stack in all network Main Node IPv6 Backbone Migration (3)
8 8 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Contents KT IPv6 status and migration strategy KT’s IPv6 Trial IPv6 Personalized service
9 9 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Overview background Give IPv6 connectivity and experience to end users who wants to use ipv6 application in person Features Permanent global IPv6 address to end users over IPv4 Tunnel Permanent Domain name by dynamic DNS - djkwak.ktv6user.kr Personal web, mail, ftp, UCC server by domain name - - mail.djkwak.ktv6user.kr Access the domain name by both IPv4/IPv6 network
10 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ IPv6 personalized service IPv4 IPv6 web server IPv6 Camera PC Phone NAT tunnel Tunnel Server IPv4 Power Control Device Tunneling Stick IPv6 streaming server IPv4 file sharing server (with P2P6 client) Home Private IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv4 / IPv6 IPv6 Camera (with Tunnel client) IPv4 Internet IPv4 Access Tunnelling Stick NAT Home Network tunnel IPv6 IPv4 / IPv6 IPv4 IPv4 / IPv6 PC IPv4 IPv6 Internet IPv6 tunnel broker IPv6 Domain Name Resolution service
11 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Detail Procedure IPv6 Network IPv4 Network Tunnel server / IPv6 DHCP Reserve to dynamic DNS User1 AAAA 2001::10 IPv6 DDNS server ktv6user.kr Connect tunnel server and make 6over4 tunnel Allocate IPv6 address Ex)2001::10 user1 IPv6 CN (Correspondent Node) DNS query user1.ktv6user.kr DNS Access user1 with user1.ktv6user.kr
12 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Remote Access thru IPv6 personalized service IPv4 Internet IPv6 Network IPv6 Tunnel IPv6 RA (Router Adv.) xxx.ktv6user.kr NAT
13 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ IPv6 personalized service web portal
14 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Tunnel Broker client program (1) Download in
15 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Tunnel Broker client program (2) End-user connection manager
16 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Further work Find new application/service with this features IPv6 personalized user broadcasting VoIPv6 based on IPv6 permanent address - Easy to deploy terminal mobility etc Wireless Ex) WiBro, Wi-Fi, 3G Personal UCC server UCC viewers
17 meeting 2008 at NZ meeting 2008 at NZ Q & A Thank you !! DongJin Kwak / Jaehwa Lee /