The Power of Laughter In The Workplace Lisa Lynn, MA, LP Lisa Lynn Consulting
Let’s get serious! Start laughing, for your health, your productivity, your leadership and influence, and your company’s bottom line!
Questions… When was the last time you had a deep belly laugh – so long it hurt? Who is the funniest person you know? Why?
My goal: Provide you with factual information on why laughter is important at work as well as strategies for developing an effective and productive environment for hardworking employees!
Why care… Laughter can positively effect your organization's financial health. 1% increase employee engagement = 2% increase in profits. Happy employees = Happy customers. Happy customers = longer term success for the Fair!
Scientific Research Extended laughter reduces irritability, insomnia, anxiety, depression, allergic disorders, asthma, bronchitis, tension and pains and aches due to arthritis. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter can prevent cardiac diseases. Laughter reduces stress hormones and increases happy hormones. Laughter increases the oxygenation of the brain. Laughter is a great way to eliminate the physical and the mental symptoms of depression and reduce anxiety.
Scientific Research Laughter offsets the impact of mental stress and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Babies laugh, on average, 400/day; people over 35, 15 – 17/day. We laugh significantly less on weekdays than we do on weekends.
Smiling and Laughter are Universal
To think about… What do you laugh at? Who do you laugh with? 20 minutes/day…
“Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” – Mark Twain
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplain
“ I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.” – Audrey Hepburn
“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” – Victor Hugo
“No matter what your heartache may be, laughing helps you forget it for a few seconds.” – Red Skelton
“Laughter is America’s most important export.” – Walt Disney
“If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.”
Laughing All The Way To The Bank… Deloitte & Touche Ben & Jerry’s South West Airlines Others that are embracing laughter
Who would you rather be served by… Angry or happy employee? Why? Talk about an experience of both…
It’s coming… National Laughter Week April 1 st ! What can you do at work to celebrate?
How To Get People Laughing More Teach by example Work = serious, self = not so seriously… Laugh at yourself. Movies, shows, comics. Laughter is contagious…
Inspirations… “He who laughs last, thinks slowest.” — Anonymous “A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. – Unknown