PARNERSHIPS: Institutions working together to achieve the goal Session C1
2. WHO WILL IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT National Institutions: The Party Municipalities; Consulting organisations, individuals; NGOsUniversity Other Government departments. International Institutions NGOs UN agencies Consultants
3. Key Actions to Implement Convention Key Waste-related Actions Action Drivers in Party Countries Institutional and legal analyses Institutional analysis Institutional analysis National and regional governments (District / Municipal authorities) Legal analysis and drafting of legislation Legal analysis and drafting of legislation National government Waste management planning Preparation of waste inventory and identification of related environmentally sound management options Preparation of waste inventory and identification of related environmentally sound management options National and regional governments (District / Municipal authorities) Assessment of transboundary movement of hazardous and other wastes Assessment of transboundary movement of hazardous and other wastes National and regional governments (District / Municipal authorities) Development of policy, strategy and plan to meet waste management objectives Development of policy, strategy and plan to meet waste management objectives National and regional governments (District / Municipal authorities)
l Implementation of waste management Establishment of institutional and administrative frameworks and capacity for implementation of national legislation National and regional governments District / Municipal authorities Reduction of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes, including adherence to the control system National and regional governments District / Municipal authorities Production companies Power utilities Promotion of cleaner technologies National and regional governments Industry / trade organisations Production companies Introduction of cleaner technologies to minimise generation of hazardous wastes and other wastes Production companies Waste management facilities & industry Power utilities Public procurement offices Key Waste-related Actions Action Drivers in Party Countries
Information, education and awareness-raising to support waste minimisation and environmentally sound management of wastes National and regional governments District / Municipal authorities Industry / trade organisations Environmental NGOs (Consumer organisations) Establishment of waste management infrastructure (collection, recovery, storage and disposal, etc.) National and regional governments Municipal authorities Production companies Waste management facilities & industry 1) Drivers in brackets indicate typically less important actors. Key Waste-related Actions Action Drivers in Party Countries
4. Important conclusions: The public sector in a country is the main driver of action related to most institutional and regulatory initiatives, waste-related promotion, information, education and awareness-raising. The more investment-heavy actions, principally the introduction of cleaner technologies, are primarily the responsibility of the owners of the production facilities that generate the waste.
5. Synergies between Conventions There are overlapping interests between different conventions dealing with ESM of hazardous and other wastes. In designing actions, the following must be taken into account: Basel Convention Stockholm Convention Rotterdam Convention Bamako Convention
Chemical MEAs Scope Entry into force Parties Basel Transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal May Rotterdam Prior informed consent procedure for hazardous chemicals & pesticides in international trade February Stockholm Persistent organic pollutants May SAICM Integrated chemicals management 2006?
Scope of the chemical MEAs SAICM: Strategic Approach To Chemicals Management Rotterdam Convention: Prior informed consent Basel Convention: Control Of Transboundary Movements Of Hazardous Wastes And Their Disposal Chemical life cycle Chemical coverage Specific Chlorinated Compounds Other chemicals of concern TradeWaste & disposalProductionUse Stockholm Convention: Persistent Organic Pollutants
The Chemicals MEAs family Basel, Rotterdam, SAICM and Stockholm David Piper Task Manager POPs enabling activities UNEP DGEF