Race Beyond Stereotypes to the American Dream Chapter 8 Race Beyond Stereotypes to the American Dream
Prejudice Narrow-minded judgment or opinion Different from Discrimination (which we all do, picking one thing over another) Three Characteristics of Prejudice Stereotyping Close-mindedness Intense Feelings
Stereotyping “A prejudiced generalization, a way of thinking that is in error.” We often make generalizations because we can not process all information independently. Sometimes this serves us well, but we must be willing to modify these judgments AND allow for exceptions. Otherwise, we act inappropriately and perhaps unjustly.
Close-mindedness Unwillingness to change. Refusal to accept contradictory information. Use of anecdotal evidence to justify uninformed ideas. While prejudice sometimes has a basis in fact, we can usually find obvious exceptions or contradictions. Shortsighted people do not acknowledge these problems or refuse to be swayed by them.
Intense Negative Feelings Prejudice feelings that are expressed in terms of anger, fear, hatred Divides into “us” and “them” Strong Feelings are what make people able to make their prejudicial ideas known Without the intensity of feelings, the thoughts are still wrong but would likely never come into the open
Roots of Prejudice People learn to discriminate at an early age. Sometimes that leads to prejudice if the environment accepts or encourages it. People who are prejudiced in one area are often prejudiced in others as well.
How do we change? Defeating prejudice will not come simply from tolerance. Tolerance is only the first step—it is like the absence of strong feelings. We must actually want to be more involved in the lives of those different from us. We must acknowledge our own limitations and keep our mind open to change and new ideas.
Social Constructions There really is no such thing as race on a scientific level. The differences among us are as great as the differences between us. Races have been named (generalized) based on arbitrary lines—maps, color, etc. If a difference is arbitrary it is a “social construction”
Racism Racism is prejudice along with power Racism = Prejudice + Power This definition works for any “ism” The question is often posed about whether or not a minority group can be racist. If there is no power, there is no ism. However, on small scale levels groups that are typically minorities can have power…
Racism as a societal problem Since we know racism is prejudice and power, we need to look at where true power lies since that large scale power will influence policy. Racism is subordination based on race (which, remember, is a social construction) When racism becomes part of the fabric of society, it becomes institutional racism—which is dangerous because it is generally accepted by well-meaning people and so hard to recognize.
Exceptions We can look around and find notable exceptions for anything—but they are just that, exceptions. We need to focus on larger trends, systems, and social structures to get a real look at the scenery. Like many justice issues, leveling the playing field may involve some people losing benefits they have grown accustomed to (this is not, however, an example of injustice).
Jesus and “Otherness” “Otherness” is perceived difference—those we do not put in our circle of concern. Jesus preached to love our enemy and do good to those who hurt us. While this may seem trite and overused, the point is still very explicit and very challenging. Why do people hurt one another? Why are people enemies? Lack of knowledge is often at the root of an issue.
Jesus and “Otherness” Jesus said that whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters we do to Him. This means that He is “the other” and we must treat others as we would treat Jesus. This was revolutionary during His time and remains so today.