St Mary’s Primary School Primary Six Curriculum Meeting September 2015 September 2015
Aims 1.To welcome parents to St Mary’s 2.To outline the Curriculum that your child will be following in P6. 3.To provide an overview of some of the topics and activities that your child will be participating in this year (Learning Plan)
General Information Morning 8 – 8.45 Breakfast Club 8.45 – Children can come into school playground 9.15 – Bell for beginning of classes After 9.15 am – marked late Afternoon Accompanied by teachers to school gate
General Information Dinners – Currently £2.30 per day, £11.50 per week (in envelopes )Dinners – Currently £2.30 per day, £11.50 per week (in envelopes ) Breakfast Club - £1.00 per morningBreakfast Club - £1.00 per morning UniformUniform Full uniform should be worn at all times. Full uniform should be worn at all times. PE on Monday ( Term 1 – hurling ) P.E. gear to be worn. Term 2 – P.E. days to be arranged PE on Monday ( Term 1 – hurling ) P.E. gear to be worn. Term 2 – P.E. days to be arranged Swimming 3 rd term Swimming 3 rd term After School Activities – reviewed termlyAfter School Activities – reviewed termly Mrs Casey will teach P.6. on a FridayMrs Casey will teach P.6. on a Friday
Learning Areas LiteracyLiteracy NumeracyNumeracy The World Around Us (Geography/History/Science)The World Around Us (Geography/History/Science) The Arts (Music/Art/Drama)The Arts (Music/Art/Drama) Physical EducationPhysical Education Personal Development and Mutual UnderstandingPersonal Development and Mutual Understanding ReligionReligion
Skills and Capabilities Thinking Skills – Managing Information, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Being CreativeThinking Skills – Managing Information, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Being Creative Personal Skills and Capabilities – Self Management, Working with OthersPersonal Skills and Capabilities – Self Management, Working with Others Through all curriculum areas Through all curriculum areas ICT- In classroom and on laptops with wireless connection. Also I pads with a range of learning gamesICT- In classroom and on laptops with wireless connection. Also I pads with a range of learning games School Based Assessments School Based Assessments
Sharing Learning Intentions (WALT and WILF)Sharing Learning Intentions (WALT and WILF) Learning DiariesLearning Diaries 2 Stars and a Wish marking2 Stars and a Wish marking Peer and Self AssessmentPeer and Self Assessment Thumbs UpThumbs Up Assessment for Learning
Concentrates on developing children’s knowledge, attitudes, skills, relationships, behaviour, TSPC, emotional awareness, values and life skills.Concentrates on developing children’s knowledge, attitudes, skills, relationships, behaviour, TSPC, emotional awareness, values and life skills. Living Learning Together Box.Living Learning Together Box. PDMU
Whole school programmeWhole school programme Children should understand the relationship between their spoken language and the written word.Children should understand the relationship between their spoken language and the written word. Sounds (phonemes) can be represented by groups of letters (graphemes)Sounds (phonemes) can be represented by groups of letters (graphemes) Segment and blend words by listening to sounds.Segment and blend words by listening to sounds. s t ar – 3 sounds p l a n t – 5 sounds Six stagesSix stages 1.Stage 5 sounds can be represented in different ways ee y ea i all make the same sound 2.Stage 6 multi-syllable words. 3.Spelling test carried out on a weekly basis. Must be signed by a parent to allow progress to be monitored. Linguistic Phonics Linguistic Phonics
Shared Reading Shared Reading Big Books/Interactive Board Big Books/Interactive Board Guided Reading Guided Reading Reading Groups are organised in accordance with running records/standardised tests and teacher observation Reading Groups are organised in accordance with running records/standardised tests and teacher observation Book Banding Scheme Book Banding Scheme Novels as reading books Novels as reading books Further develop comprehension skills Further develop comprehension skills Library Time – books changed once a week ( Thursday) ) Library Time – books changed once a week ( Thursday) ) Silent Reading Silent Reading Important to develop a child’s interest in reading. Important to develop a child’s interest in reading. Reading
Variety of forms studiedVariety of forms studied Procedural Procedural Report Report Chronological/non-chronological texts Chronological/non-chronological texts Narrative Narrative Explanation Explanation Recount Recount Poetry Poetry Projects- to promote independent learning Projects- to promote independent learning Group Work – Managing Information (CCS) Group Work – Managing Information (CCS) Punctuation and grammar– children will be encouraged to use correct punctuation and grammar always.Punctuation and grammar– children will be encouraged to use correct punctuation and grammar always. Proofreading and editing.Proofreading and editing. Handwriting – emphasis will be placed on joined writing for speed ( Term 2 )Handwriting – emphasis will be placed on joined writing for speed ( Term 2 ) Writing Writing
NumberNumber MeasuresMeasures Handling Data,Handling Data, Shape and SpaceShape and Space Problem Solving/processesProblem Solving/processes Lots of Practical Activity including gamesLots of Practical Activity including games Emphasis on Mental MathsEmphasis on Mental Maths Maths Maths
Alive O 6.Alive O 6. Within God’s Creation- Children are led to a broader appreciation of all that God has made.Within God’s Creation- Children are led to a broader appreciation of all that God has made. How God nourishes us through the Holy Spirit.How God nourishes us through the Holy Spirit. Nativity story, Feast Days and The Rosary.Nativity story, Feast Days and The Rosary. Loving God and our Neighbour.Loving God and our Neighbour. A Healing Community – Forgiveness and Our Parish.A Healing Community – Forgiveness and Our Parish. The Risen Jesus and Under God’s wing.The Risen Jesus and Under God’s wing. Class Assembly - NovemberClass Assembly - November Religion Religion
AimAim To consolidate and reinforce the learning skills and knowledge that has gone on in school. To consolidate and reinforce the learning skills and knowledge that has gone on in school. Spellings, Reading, Maths, English and Tables and other activities related to class workSpellings, Reading, Maths, English and Tables and other activities related to class work mins30-45 mins Important to check and sign homework diariesImportant to check and sign homework diaries Homework Homework
Parent/Teacher meeting December 6 thParent/Teacher meeting December 6 th Reports in JuneReports in June Monthly newsletterMonthly newsletter Term 1 will see replacements for INCAs (computer based assessmentTerm 1 will see replacements for INCAs (computer based assessment Ongoing assessment of Cross-curricular skills replacing AUs.Ongoing assessment of Cross-curricular skills replacing AUs. Standardised testsStandardised tests Reporting to Parents/Assessment Reporting to Parents/Assessment
Other information Fundraising Car Parking School Bus Free School Meals Contacts and Mobile phone number Child Protection
Primary Six Curriculum Meeting September 2013 Thank you